The High Priestess Gallery
Onyx WinterMoon, HPS
A Self Portrait

Self Poetry
I am the Embodiment of the Triple Moon Goddess. I am the Maiden, Mother and
Crone. Thru me, power resides, to be used throughout my life. I am the Cycle of
I am the Maiden, young, naïve and full of curiosity. I am learning the old ways
of the Mother and Crone. It’s the maiden’s laughter that you hear. It is the
Maidens laughter, which keeps you young, renewing your soul. During the New
Moon, Life is renewed. Like Persephone returning from the Underworld, I too will
bring things back to life. When one door closes, another is opened. It is the
Cycle of Life.
I am the Mother, sharing what is learned, constantly teaching things to a new
mind. My nurturing nature is not limited to those born of my body, for my
motherly love connects to those born of the Goddess Demeter. My love is for all
who seek a mother’s love and affection. It is the Cycle of Life.
I am the Crone, the wise one. I carry the wisdom of the Crone, Hecate. Her
power guides us each day. I need not brag that I know it all, for even though I
do, you who are my daughters and granddaughters, will know it all in due time. I
come to you when reasoning is not easily found, and guide the way. You come to
me, seeking answers abound, until you find your own way. As with the maiden
comes a new life, with me comes an old death. Shy not away from this, for this
is Cycle of Life.
I am the Triple Moon Goddess, constantly renewing, nurturing and dying; this is
what we all do. This is my Cycle of Life.
Copyright Onyx WinterMoon, HPS
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