Spell Work

Spells for Protection   Spells for Prosperity


A word of caution: Often when we feel most in need of protection, we feel angry or afraid about something. PLEASE DON'T EVER work magick when feeling angry or afraid. Cast a circle; surround yourself and your loved ones in white light; pray; call upon your guardians; but please, please, avoid magick at this time. Any anger or fear you send out may come flying back at you. Wait until you feel calm and centered.

Spells for Protection

This is a very simple spell designed to "chill someone out" or to freeze someone's negative influence and prevent it from harming you. When you perform this spell, be certain your intent is not to freeze or harm the person, only their power against you. You will need an airtight container (film canister, small jar, or even a freezer baggie) and a slip of paper with the freezee's name, if possible, in their own handwriting. Fill the container about three-quarters full with water plus a pinch of salt, or in heavy-duty cases, a sample of your own urine. Cast a circle, meditate on your intent, and submerge the person's name in liquid. Using visualization, picture their negative influence over you freezing. Seal up the container, toss it into the back of your freezer and yell "chill out"! Amazingly effective!

Nasty Catchers

Nasty Catchers are heads of garlic stuck full of pins and glitzy jewelry pieces, bound up in string. They are hung over doorways and in high-tension areas for the purpose of catching any nasty energy and neutralizing it. (I currently have a nasty-catcher sitting on my computer, and at other times, I've kept one on top of my phone.) Creating the nasty-catchers is a fun art project the whole family can enjoy. Get your hands on some broken costume jewelry pieces or other small glittery objects along with a full head of garlic for each person participating. Then use straight pins to hold the bright pieces to the garlic, and when the creation is finished, bind it up in bright string, wrapping the head up until all pieces are secure. Place the catchers wherever they are most needed, and watch them work wonders! (If there's a lot of tension brewing, you may want to keep some basil and sage simmering on your stovetop too.)

Witches Jars

Witches Jars are for more serious property protection and should be made during a dark or waning moon at night, preferably when you are menstruating. These Jars will be buried near your house doors and at other places on your property that you feel need to be protected. Witches Jars send up a "keep away" energy field that will protect you and yours from anyone with a hostile intent. Again, they work amazingly well. You will need as many jars as you plan to fill, a full bladder (as you will be peeing into the jars), fragments from a broken mirror (even if you need to break one -- carefully -- yourself), and other sharp objects such as rusty nails and razor blades. Again, be clear that your intent is not to harm anyone, no matter how hostile they may be, but just to send out the message: I'm powerful; Don't mess with me! It is best to dig the holes where the jars will be buried before you begin so that the jars can go into the holes immediately. You may want to have a heavy rock or brick handy to be placed on top of the newly buried jar as well. Cast a circle, meditate on your intent, and fill your jar with the sharp objects (be careful not to cut yourself!). Again, the message here is keep away! When your jars are about as full as you'd like them too be (halfway to three-quarters), take them into the bathroom and pee into them until the liquid is near the top of the jar. Menstrual blood mixed with your urine is an added bonus, and very powerful. If you are a crone, you might wish to add a crone symbol to your urine. Seal the jars tightly. You may wish to drip some wax onto the top (black or red is good) and draw a rune or other symbol into the wax once it has cooled. Now take your jars outside and bury them. Ask the moon to bless your work, and feel the power of the new energy field you have created!

Spells for Prosperity

A word of caution: Often when we feel most in need of prosperity, we feel fear that our needs will not be met. Sometimes we feel greed or jealousy, which are extensions of fear. Again, examine your motives and be clear on your intent. Please do not practice magick when you are feeling fear. However, a more common problem, especially for women, is that we don't feel we deserve good things in our lives. Oh, we can wish for them, but we don't feel worthy of receiving them. This is the biggest block to prosperity, the lack of ability to believe in or receive the gifts that are already waiting for us. Therefore, before undertaking prosperity spells, spend time and energy on affirmations and visualization that will prepare you to receive wonderful gifts. One affirmation I particularly like is: I am worthy of all good things. Don't believe it? Then keep saying it until you do, picturing abundance pouring into your life, picturing yourself receiving that abundance with joy. Until you can do that, prosperity spells just plain won't work.

 Candy at the Cross-Roads

 This spell is based on the premise that what we give will come back to us, magnified, and that generosity is an underlying principle of success. This spell is best performed when the moon has just turned full, or is nearly full. You will need silver coins (quarters are best) or brightly-wrapped pieces of candy (silver-wrapped kisses are a good choice). Bless the coins or candy in moonlight. Ask them to go out into the world and bring blessings to others, and then to return with blessings for you. (An excellent Moon Blessing ritual to precede this spell is outlined in Level 1, Week 11.) Then fill your pockets or a small bag with your blessed goodies, take them to the cross-roads, and drop them on the ground. The key is not to be seen giving the goodies away. A variation on this give-away is to put the coins in parking meters for total strangers or to make some other anonymous donation at a real or symbolic "cross-roads."

Wish List

This spell is a sort of psychic want ad sent out to the universe, describing exactly what you're looking for in a job, a relationship, a living situation, and so forth. A few more words of caution: be careful what you ask for; you might get it and be precise. I have found this spell to be tremendously effective in my life, especially in my love life! It is best to focus on the underlying principles of a situation. For example, in describing a job, I might ask for a situation that will make me truly happy, that will provide a positive supportive environment to work in, that will be challenging, but not to draining, that will allow me to exercise my creativity, that will pay well (name a ballpark figure), that has benefits, paid vacations, and a polite, fair boss whom I respect and can work well with, and that is in-line with my spiritual principles. You will notice this list is fairly specific about what I'm looking for, but it doesn't name a company or even a specific field. I've left that open for the universe to decide. It also does not list a geographic location, so if that's important to me, I'd better include that too! By the same principle, when writing a want ad for a mate, I usually don't include physical characteristics, only the stipulation that I will be physically attracted to the person. But if the gender of your mate is important to you, you'd better include that too! I know more than one person who has been interestingly surprised about where their hearts have lead them! And as always, it's important to avoid performing a spell to bend the will of a specific person. Leave the details up to the universe and you won't go wrong. So how do you write your want ad and what do you do with it once you have? I find that handwriting is more effective than typing. In fact, if you can write your list in runic writing or a secret writing system of you own, that is even more effective. (I recommend Blum's Book of Runes .) Your list can then be burnt during a ritual, sending your wishes up via smoke. It can be posted on your wall, over your altar; kept under your pillow; placed under a 7-day candle which is burned for that purpose; or kept in a secret place, like a bed-side drawer or your jewelry box. Do whatever feels right to you. I have found that the turn-around time on this spell is 2 - 4 weeks for me, sometimes sooner.

Treasure Map

A Treasure Map is your wish list in pictorial form, without words. You will need a pile of magazines, scissors, yarn, glitter, glue, and some posterboard, or you can create your picture collage online. Choose pictures that embody the quality of what it is you seek. For example, if you are looking for a fulfilling love relationship, find a picture of a happy couple embracing and doing together all of the things you'd like to do with your mate. If you are seeking success or prosperity or good health, choose pictures that reflect what you seek. Material possessions may also be included on this map, of course. Keep an open spot in the center for a picture of YOU and connect all the other pictures to your own with the yarn. Now artistically sprinkle your collage with glitter! Treasure Maps are most effective when displayed, so put yours up somewhere that you will be able to see it often.

Copyright GrannyMoon