Earth Signs and Omens in Nature

Uncover the Hidden Mysteries of Nature 
In Nature, we can find guidance about all life's mysteries and all issues in our individual life circumstances.
We will learn the signs, omens and messages in nature and understand when and how they communicate with us.
One of the easiest and most rewarding of the divinatory arts, you will learn why things are happening to you
and help to solve problems.
The course covers signs and omens, communication, seasonal rites, trees and shrubs, flowers, plants and weeds,
herbs, plant magick,
the Guardians of Nature and much more.
 An exciting hands-on 10 week course for $50.00.
All lessons are on line, you will receive weekly personal response to each lesson.
For those living in Virginia or nearby, we will have monthly "Communing with Nature Days", which includes a Weed Walk and lunch!

Please join us!

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