Natural Witchcraft

Find Out...
You Need To Know First!
Your Inner Witch
The Informed Witch
Your Witchy Genealogy, Finding Your Ancestors
and Much Much More
This is not Wicca! You don't need expensive accoutrements or other
fancy trappings! All lessons are done weekly with GrannyMoon through
e-mail, with personal feedback.
Course does require purchase of one text book! You may buy this new,
used or you may already have it!

of Natural Magick by Nigel Pennick
Students Welcome!
A 13 week course on-line course.
Those completing this course
will receive a certificate in Natural
Payment Plan Available
3 payments of $50.00
Contact GrannyMoon at:
If you are a woman interested in furthering your education, after
taking this course, please feel free to contact me regarding Priestess
with the Sisters of the Burning Branch Coventry!