The High Priestess Gallery

LadyHawke, HPS

A Self Portrait

Self Portrait

Self Poetry

The Goddess' Voice

Goddess found me lost, crestfallen and on my knees.
Her voice came softly; soothing whispers through the trees.
My hardened heart shook, unsure, afraid of Her love,
I turned my back, and refused Her, from the light above.
A gentle voice from the mists broke through the walls.
Offering love, a soft touch and cotillion balls.
Goddess brought me an angel, my Cuban delight.
We danced under silvery moons and drank of Her might.
She was too good for this world, Goddess took her home.
Leaving me here, wandering this place, lost; alone.
To the heavens I raged, with no depth to my wrath
The trees wept their leaves as I wandered listless this path.
I shuffled along numb to majesty beyond deed or word,
The stunning bald eagle, the haunting cry I never heard,
The hungry lone wolf ghosting alone in the desert night
The fledgling albatross reaching massive wings of white.
I turned my back on Goddess’ infinite, endless grace.
I became an empty vessel, lost in timeless space.
She whispered to me through wind in a gauzy cloud.
Though storms with driving rain and thunder so loud.
In the pristine colors and myriad scents of all flowers
From morning to night, minute to minute, hour to hour.
In oceans of azure blue, in mountains that touched the sky,
In the forest glens of springtime green, in my cat’s cry.
She never gave up hope, for her wayward, forlorn daughter
Her persistence unwavering as I continually fought Her.
In dreams, I found Her again, at last, I heard Her call.
I had never been alone, She had not left me at all.
She had a new path for me now, bring the lost ones to Me.
I bring them not fear, but love, acceptance for all to see,
A voice for the younglings I wish you My Ways to teach,
The lost, the disillusioned, echoes in an abysmal breach.
You know much of suffering, loss, the ache of pain
You can show them My rainbows that come from spring rain.
Grandmother Spider, Coyote, Raven and Crow
Through gentle guidance, what Goddess needs them to know.
Today I walk a gentle path, with a knowing, beatific smile
I do not rush, I take time to smell the roses for a while.
Goddess breathes Her love into me with each new born day.
I will honor Her through word and deed, these are the words I pray.

February 2009

Copyright LadyHawke, HPS

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