The Power of Birthdays, Stars, & Numbers
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Readings By GrannyMoon's

Since the earliest days of our civilizations we have observed the heavens to  gain a greater understanding of the relationship between humanity and the  universe. To early humans, the impermanence of existence on Earth brought  uncertainty. The recurrence of celestial phenomena, however, such as the rising  and setting Sun, in contrast brought reassurance. Our ancestors perceived this  contrast as the fundamental distinction between celestial and terrestrial  domains. Astrology is, therefore, a study of the meaningful interaction between  the stars, planetary cycles, and events on Earth.

One of the few remaining philosophies to maintain a holistic perspective,  astrology teaches us that everything is interconnected. Nothing stands as a law  by itself. Everything is part of a constantly shifting and dynamic relationship  with the cycles of the cosmos. We do not stand outside this living system. We  affect it, and we are profoundly affected by it. All people are part of a  changing and dynamic relationship with other people. The universe is a complex  interplay of cycles and forces, as opposite polarities set each other in motion,  themselves part of greater systems. Astrologers acknowledge this interplay and  try to comprehend it through symbolism.

No person stands alone, for all people are part of shifting and dynamic  relationships with other people, and each of these people is involved in  shifting and dynamic relationships with the cycles of the cosmos.

All that is organic pulses, is distinguished by periodicity. This cyclic,  rhythmic existence is captured by the astrological hypothesis. Astrology  embraces complexity, the simultaneity of subjectivity and objectivity.  Objectively, astrology measures time by the cycles of the planets, giving a  unique perspective on the meaning of duration. Subjectively, astrology operates  through deep symbolism and finds knowledge through the study of context.

Astrology maintains that the course of nature is a circle or mandala. In the  360 degrees of the circle we experience each moment of being individually and  collectively. Each degree is a separate fragment of the circle, but only with  each degree present does the circle exist. The mandala is a symbol of all  creation, a self-contained and perfect form with no beginning, no end. The  circle stands for both the universe and all human individuals, for the universe  within. All of life's activities relate to this circle. Its structure also  conveys the cycles of time. By exploring astrology, one can reveal the  connections between the external and internal universes, gaining greater  psychological and spiritual awareness.

The two major lights in astrology are  the Sun and Moon, which correspond to the cycle of day and night. On the basis  of this rhythm, solar and lunar calendars were established by early cultures and  interpreted as hours, days, months, and years. In psychological terms, the  symbolic union of the Sun and Moon is perceived as "the mystical marriage,"  representing the union of opposites within the individual. In Eastern  philosophical terms this union is characterized by the yin/yang, or masculine  and feminine, principles.

A personal horoscope is a "map" showing the precise position of the planets  in our solar system in relation to Earth at the moment of an individual's birth.  In its basic form the astrological birth chart consists of ten planets and  twelve zodiac signs.
Fixed Stars
Fixed stars belong to the great cosmos rather than our solar system. Unlike  the planets that orbit our Sun, fixed stars are suns in their own right; in  fact, depending on their magnitude, some fixed stars are far larger and brighter  than our own Sun. When we discuss fixed stars we use the term "light years" to  describe the vast distances that are difficult to calculate or comprehend. Due  to these stars' remoteness from Earth they appear to us as stationary, and are  therefore called "fixed" stars. The influence of fixed stars is relevant to  their strength, which is calculated by their brightness. Although there are millions of fixed stars in the universe, in astrological  practice relatively few are considered--namely, those that are located near the  zodiacal ring.

The observation and relationship of fixed stars to world events began  thousands of years ago. The naming of fixed stars is recorded in the  Mesopotamian and Babylonian eras. Fixed stars are mentioned in the Epoch of  Gilgamesch and, together with comets, eclipses, and planets, played an important  role in the interpretation of weather phenomena. In addition to the Babylonians,  the Egyptians believed in the powerful influence of the fixed stars. For  example, aware of nature's power and dependent on the river Nile for their  survival, Egyptians celebrated their agricultural calendar summer solstice with  fertility rites and linked the rising of the star Sirius to the flooding of the  river Nile. Recently there has been much evidence to suggest that the Egyptians  aligned the majestic pyramids of Giza to the Orion Belt. Although many  historians still claim that the great Pyramids are a testimony to the great  kings of Egypt, many new archaeological findings reveal a clear connection  between the design of the Cheops Pyramids and the circumpolar stars.

In the story of the Nativity, a star guided the three wise men to the stable  in Bethlehem. Catalogues of fixed stars were recorded in Greece around 250 b.c.  The observation of fixed stars continued throughout history and was incorporated  into the celestial understanding of the ancients. Fixed stars were associated  with many different aspects of life, and the origin of their interpretation was  derived from the symbols with which the constellations were associated. For  example, in the constellation of Alpha leonis, or Leo, the brightest fixed star  is Regulus (also called the Lion's Heart) and symbolizes strength, power, and  authority. This star is one of the most important fixed stars in the sky,  associated with royalty and honors. Usually this star appears in the charts of  kings, queens, rulers, and high government officials. This star is also linked  to people who are favored by the public; it bestows popularity.

The importance of fixed stars derives from the fact that all material bodies  in the cosmos are in a state of electrical charge and have a magnetic field  surrounding them. Even the weakest emissions can influence life on Earth. This  is remarkably akin to the term "butterfly effect" in modern Chaos theory, which  argues that even a butterfly's wing stirring the air can create a ripple effect  that transforms the weather system at a later date in another part of the world.  As the fixed stars are essentially the same as our own Sun, they have similar  force fields. The effect of stars is measured by their magnitude or brightness.

Fixed stars offer a fascinating insight into the subconscious mind and the  potential or problems an individual might have. This interpretation, however,  must be carefully analyzed in relation to a complete natal horoscope; fixed  stars are not interpreted separately, but always as a subinfluence on the  planets' celestial qualities. Fixed stars must be understood as enhancing or  detracting from the planets they are in contact with.

We have listed on the birthday pages the most influential fixed star for that  day. Often, other fixed stars exert additional influences, and we have included  readings for those stars in the fixed star appendix at the back of the book.
Please note that not all days in this book are associated with a fixed star.  We are only discussing Sun-linked stars, and so if there are no major  influential stars near the Sun on a particular day, then no fixed stars appear  on your birthday's pages. There are, however, most likely other fixed stars  associated with the positions of the planets on that day. With a natal chart,  you will be able to use the appendix of this book to understand the influences  on you of your planet-linked fixed stars. We encourage all our readers to have  natal charts done. Our discussion of the fixed stars in this book is intended  only as an introduction to their intricate and fascinating realm.

The belief that numbers possess sacred powers has been shared not just by  archaic cultures and Greek philosophers, but also by Renaissance scholars and  many present-day mathematicians.

Tallying marks and notches carved in groups  of bones found in Zaire, dated to between 9000 and 7500 b.c., correspond to  records of lunar (Moon) phases, and are one of the earliest signs of  mathematical activity.

Numerology is as old as astrology and has its origins in Mesopotamian,  Judaic, and ancient Greek civilizations. For example, in the Old Testament  numbers and letters are thought to correspond to hidden meanings concerning  messages, dreams, and the names of individuals. Each culture developed its own  system of interpreting numbers to give meaning to the universe and human nature.  The most reputable systems that contain numerology are the Pythagorean,  Cabalistic, I Ching, and Mayan theories.

Many Greek philosophers were intrigued by the mystery of numbers. One of the  most outstanding thinkers of the early Greek period was Pythagoras, who claimed  that numbers were sacred and that "all things are numbers." He was a religious  leader, a mystic, and a pure mathematician. Unlike many modern mathematicians,  he united theology with rational thinking. Pythagoras provided a unique legacy  for Western culture and a starting point for the identification of numbers. By  discovering how important was the link between music and numbers, he established  a harmonic connection between musical notes and mathematics. Realizing that  numbers correspond to shapes, he was the first to describe the oblong, square,  and triangle as a set of dots or numbers. His followers, the Pythagoreans, were  also among the first to believe that the principles of mathematics were the  basis of all existing things, and since, among these principles, numbers are by  nature primary archetypes, they, above anything else, establish order in nature and the universe.

Some present-day mathematicians echo these beliefs and argue that the deeper  one looks into the way our universe works, the more mathematical one finds the  cosmos to be. Numbers and mathematics underline the very precise way in which  the universe behaves.

There are three basic patterns to numbers. We can  conceive of numbers through mathematical theories, philosophical defi-nitions,  and number symbolism. In the early part of the twentieth century, Jung  interpreted the number as an archetype of order that has become conscious, and  maintained that numbers are instrumental to the creation of order. He believed  that a number is both quantitative and qualitative. Indeed, even investigations  in particle physics suggest that changes in atomic quantity result in  perceptible qualitative differences in the macroscopic world.

Numerology, like astrology, is a symbolic system, one of the many tools we  can use to understand ourselves and our life purpose better. Numbers possess a  dual nature and can represent either a positive or a negative force. Exploring  their meaning can help us discover and develop our personal potential and guide  us on life's journey. In this book we will focus particularly on the qualitative  interpretations of numbers in relation to a person's day and month of birth, and  we show in the following pages how simple it is to discover your holistic number.

~From The Power of Birthdays, Stars, & Numbers : The Complete  Personology Reference Guide, by Saffi Crawford, Geraldine Sullivan. © November  1998 , Saffi Crawford, Geraldine Sullivan used by permission.

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