Sisters of the Burning Branch Goddess Gallery Presents...


Lady of the Crossroads


“The Far Darter”


Then earth began to bellow, trees to dance

And howling dogs in glimmering light advance

Ere Hekate came.

Aeneid, Book VL [Dryden]


An ancient, primordial Goddess dating from pre-Greek, pre-Olympian times, Hekate is traditionally worshipped at the crossroads.  This Goddess of Witches presides over the Sacred Threshold of Magick.  In her triple-faced form, She is able to see in all directions at once—past, present, and future, reigning over heaven, earth, and the underworld.  Travelers make offerings to Her in the form of food, libations, and/or money in order for Her to bless their travels, keep them safe, and to prevent nightmares.  


She rules over life, death, and rebirth—both literally and figuratively, for life is comprised of innumerable endings, i.e. “deaths” and, from them, just as many new beginnings, or “births.” As Queen of the Underworld, She is able to move between this realm and that, easily traversing Between the Worlds, guarding the gate between life and death.   Call upon Hekate at the Dark Moon to administer or oversee justice.


As the Hermit holds up the lantern, so does cave-dwelling Hekate hold up Her torch, illuminating our Shadow Selves, guiding us into the vault that shelters our most innermost Truth.  In addition to prayers made to Her for protection while travelling, She is called upon for help in revealing these Shadows, banishing our fears, and in releasing that which no longer serves.  Hekate is the wise Queen who will take and compost that which is banished, transforming it in Her cauldron of rebirth and change.   She demands courage of Her adherents, strength and bravery in facing the Truth!


Crossroads are a place where a choice must be made—a direction must be chosen; All-Seeing Hekate of the Paths can help us choose the correct way to go. Late at night, special dishes of food offerings called Deipnon or “Hekate Suppers” are left out for Her here in the hopes that She might hear a worshipper’s prayers, grant petitions, and guide one’s feet.  The Covenant of Hekate notes that “Traditional offerings include garlic, onions, cheese, eggs, fish, bread, and cake.”1 A modern twist to offering Deipnon to Hekate might include a tithe of your time, money, or shelf-stable foods to a local Food Pantry.


Also named the “Sender of Prophetic Visions,” Hekate can be called upon to aid with divination, scrying, prophesy, and other oracular arts.


Her Correspondences include:

Animals:  All Wild Animals, Bats, Bears, Black Sheep, Boars, Dogs, Dragons, Horses, Lions, Owls, Polecats, Snakes, Toads, Wolves

Appellations:  The Attendant Who Leads, The Distant One, The Edgewalker, The Far Darter, Goddess of the Dark of the Moon, Goddess of the Dead, Goddess of the Paths, Goddess of the Scene of the Crime, Goddess of Storms, Invincible Queen of the Dead, Lady of the Underworld, Light-Bringer, Mistress of Magick, Most Lovely One, Mother of Witches, Night Mother, Night-Wanderer of the Underworld, The One Before the Gate, Queen of the Crossroads, Queen of Death, Queen of Ghosts, Queen of the Night, Queen of the Witches, The Sender of Nocturnal Visions, She Who Has Power Far Off, She Who Works From Afar, She Who Works Her Will, The Torch-Bearer

Attributes, Associations, and Powers:  Banishing; Childbirth and Midwifery; the Cycle of Birth, Death, and Rebirth; the Dead; Divination; Fate; Fertility; Ghosts; Guidance; Herbs; Justice and Victory; Magick; Prophesy, Visions, Dreams, and Oracle; Protection; Psychopompery; Purification; Shadow Work; Transformation; Travel; the Underworld; Wisdom; Witchcraft

Birds:  Crows, Owls, Ravens

Color:  Black

Element:  Earth

Foods: Apples, Bread, Eggs, Fish and Fish Roe, Garlic, Goat or Sheep Cheese, Honey, Honey Cakes, Leeks, Mushrooms, Pomegranate

Herbs and Plants: All baneful herbs including Belladonna, Hemlock, Nightshade, and Wolfsbane; Alder, Almond, Angelica, Bay Laurel, Black Poplar, Cinnamon, Cypress, Fennel, Lavender, Mandrake; Mints, Mugwort, Patchouli, Pomegranate, Poppies, Rosemary, Rue, Thyme, Willow, Yew

Time of Day:  Night, especially midnight

Lunar Phases:  Waning Crescent Moon, New Moon, and especially Dark Moon

Seasons:  Fall, Winter

High Holydays:  Samhain

Feast Days:  August 13th, October 31st, December 31st

Stones: All black stones, especially Jet, Obsidian, and Onyx; Moonstone

Symbols: Brooms, Cauldrons, Crowns, Daggers, Hekate's Wheel, Keys, the Moon, Rings, Ropes, Stars, Torches, Whips

Tools: Athame, Key, Rope, Sickle


Sisterhood of the Moon’s Sisterhood of the Sacred Veil “Dark Moon of Hekate” Ritual, October 2015



A Hekate Dark Moon Ritual for the Shadow Self


Ritual Intent 

I am mindful, powerful, and complex.  With Hekate’s help, I choose to banish those things whose purpose in my life has passed and bravely face my Shadow with the intention of integration.  I am willing to transform.



Use a black cloth for the base.  In the center, place a key, a rope, and an athame or dagger.  Demetra George writes about the significance of these objects:


With her key to the underworld, Hekate unlocks the secrets of the occult mysteries and knowledge of the afterlife. The rope, which is also a scourge or cord, symbolizes the umbilical cord of rebirth and renewal. The dagger, later the athame of the Witches, is related to the curved knife that cuts delusion and is a symbol of ritual power.2


Set up a cauldron or other fireproof dish or plate to represent the Cauldron of Transformation.  Carefully light a charcoal disk in this container.



·        A charcoal disk for incense-burning

·        A plate of food offerings and a goblet or chalice containing a libation for Hekate’s Deipnon (Please see above for traditional offering suggestions.)

·        Sage (or another purifying herb that you prefer)

·        A black feather (preferably from Crow or Raven)

·        A long-handled lighter

·        Olive oil in a small dish

·        A black candle

·        A Tarot deck—Major Arcana only (You can remove and use just the Major Arcana from a traditional-style deck or use a Major Arcana-only deck.)

·        Your Journal and a writing implement

·        A black cloth, scarf, or wrap

·        A cauldron or other fireproof dish or bowl for incense

·        Loose incense*

·        A white candle

·        “Cakes” (a light snack) and “Ale” (in your ritual chalice—water, apple cider, pomegranate juice, red wine, or tea made from Her sacred herbs)


Ritual Outline

·        Purification 

Light the sage to purify yourself and your ritual space.  Use the black feather to swirl the smoke around, and say, I bless this place in the name of the Torch-Bearer.  In Hekate’s name, all energies that do not serve me tonight now depart!


·        Ground, Center, and Cast your Circle


·        Invoke Hekate:


I call You Hekate

You Who carries the keys to the realm below

You Who guards the gate Between the Worlds

Torch-Bearer, Lady of the Shadows!



The One Before the Gate!

Please unlock the doors with Your Sacred Key

Unveil the Mystery


Reveal the hidden wisdom along this Dark Path

Ancient Lady of Shadows, 

Hold aloft Your torch;

Illuminate That Which Must Be Seen!


Protect me, Night Mother,

As I search within for my Shadow,

Revealing my secrets

Entering Your Cauldron of Transformation


Most Lovely One, watch over me

Banish what no longer serves me, cleanse me

Give me hope for the future as I emerge

Reborn from your Sacred Realm


I call You by Your Ancient Names

I call You from my heart!

Come to me, come to me, come to me

Be here now!


·       Hekate’s Blessing1

Take three deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. 


Touching a finger to the Olive oil, anoint your chest over your heart.  Now, place both of your hands on your heart for three heartbeats and say aloud, “May my heart burn with desire for understanding!”


Touching the Olive oil again, anoint your lips.  Touch them for three heartbeats, and then say, “May my lips speak words of illuminated truth!”


Touch the Olive oil, then anoint your brow.  Place your hands on your brow for three heartbeats, then say, “May my visions be filled with divine knowledge!”


Take three deep breaths, again in through your nose and out through your mouth, visualizing anything not of the present moment rising up through your body and leaving out through your mouth. 


Blessed be.


·       Blessing and Lighting the Black Candle

Anoint your black candle with the Olive oil, saying “I light this candle for you, Hekate.” 


·        Intentions

State aloud what you would like to see in the dark.  What is the Shadow that you are now willing to see and/or confront?


·       Divination

Hekate supports and assists Her devotees with divination and prophesy, and the Dark Moon is traditionally considered to be the best time in the lunar cycle to perform this magick. This is a time for deep meditation, with focus on interaction with—and integration of—the Shadow Self. 


Connect with your breath and the Earth, then ask Hekate to guide your hands as you shuffle your Tarot cards.  Close your eyes, select four cards, and interpret as follows:


o   Card 1:  Place at the left of your spread

What do I know to be true about myself?

o   Card 2:  Place at the right of your spread

What have I hidden from myself; what is my Shadow?

o   Card 3:  Place in the center, between Cards 1 and 2

How can I best integrate these aspects of myself?

o   Card 4:  Place at the top of your spread

This card is Hekate’s Torch, meant to give greater clarity and light to your situation and perhaps provide an action you can take.


Write your cards down and make any notes about what comes up for you. 


·       Contemplation

Sit comfortably before your altar and cover your head with the black cloth, scarf, or wrap.  Say aloud, “Goddess Hekate, it is my will to face and integrate my Shadow.  Illuminate for me now That Which Must Be Seen.”


Now, under your cloth, listen to what your Shadow Self wants to share with you.  Then spend some time considering and visualizing the different parts of your life that are not serving you, experiences you are ready to let go of, those things you want removed from your life (i.e., negative thoughts about yourself, bad habits, things you have outgrown, etc.).  Allow yourself ample time and space to mindfully confront the thoughts, feelings, and shadows that come up—truly think the thoughts and feel the emotions.  Connect with your breath and with the Earth and do your best to stay in the present moment.


·       Banishing

When you are ready say “Dark Mother, I willingly release these things that no longer serve me and I am purified.”  


Holding the images of and emotions around what you are banishing strongly in your mind’s eye, dance, sing, and drum around your altar, around Hekate’s Cauldron of Transformation. Raise up the energy by chanting:


Hekate's power,
Dark Moon Hour,
Fire to Banish and
Magick to flow.


Right before the energy hits its peak, take up the incense.  As the energy crests, throw the incense into cauldron, visualizing everything you are releasing dissolving with the smoke.


·       Calling Forth/Filling the Void

Nature abhors a vacuum, so it is necessary to intentionally fill the space left by your banishing with what you desire.  Stand up, bless your white candle with the Olive oil, and light it now. Powerfully and strongly name aloud those things you are calling into your life, the ways you are integrating your Shadow.  Feel your need in your body.  Phrase everything in the positive as best you can (i.e., try to refrain from using words such as “not,” “don’t,” etc.).  What seeds are you planting in the dark, fertile ground right now?  What needs nurturing and renewal?  Build up the energy of hope, and allow this to fill your body, feeding each and every cell, then direct this energy into the flame in whatever way feels right.


·       Blessing Hekate’s Deipnon

Send energies into the food and libation, then speak from your heart, saying something like:  “Night Mother, Queen of the Crossroads, please accept my offerings made in gratitude to You for all You do for me.  Please protect and guide me on my Path, blessing me with Your wisdom.”


·       Cakes and Ale

Take up your “Cake” and bless it, asking for Hekate’s gifts to become manifest in you.  Then, hold your chalice up, speaking gratitude for all that you are accomplishing.  Enjoy your “Cakes and Ale” within your cast Circle.  You may wish to journal during this time.


·       Opening the Circle/Giving Gratitude to Hekate and the Elements

Open your Circle, ground, and spend a few moments sending healing loving energy into the Sacred Earth that sustains us. 


Allow your candles to burn down naturally, or snuff them out and relight them another time, being sure to complete your magick by burning the candles down completely then disposing of, or cleansing, the containers appropriately.


It is done; it is done; it is done, done, done!


Offerings for Hekate. Sisterhood of the Moon Annual Full Moon Ancestor Ritual, October 2015



Sources Cited:

1:  The Covenant of Hekate:  Ritual—Dark Moon

2:  George, Demetra:  Mysteries of the Dark Moon:  The Healing Power of the Dark Goddess

3:  Hecate Moon:  Chants and Invocations to Hecate


Additional Sources Consulted:

Dark Moon:  Hecate  

Hellenion:  Hekate's Deipnon

Wood, Gail:  Sisters of the Dark Moon:  13 Rituals of the Dark Goddess


*You may use whatever incense blend or single herb you feel called to, or try out my Hekate Incense

2 parts Bay Laurel

1 part Rosemary

1 part Lavender

½ part Thyme

½ part Mugwort


Grind all herbs into a fine powder and burn on a charcoal disk or toss into a ritual fire.



This page is the intellectual and creative property of Lady Jesamyn Angelica.

November 2015

