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TigerHouse Art Ancient Egyptian Art Print Goddess Bastet
TigerHouse Art Ancient Egyptian Art Print Goddess Bastet egyptian-art-print-goddess? ref=shop_home_active_2&crt=1”

Goddess Bast

Level I Final Project
by Lady Kaira W

I have devoted myself to the service of Bast for many years now, and have many personal stories and information from Her, and I have also worked hard to learn the history and worship of Her, though there are very few direct books about this Goddess. Many websites and encyclopedias repeat the same basic information, or conflicting stories, and it can be difficult to sort out, but I have done my best to share what I have learned here. One note I have taken to heart, from the Ancient Egyptian beliefs, is that none of that information, even though it seemingly conflicts, is *wrong*. Because there is no true time or space, Bast can be all of the things said of her, different aspects shown to different people, so really there is no need to argue, for one example, about whether she is truly a lunar or a solar Goddess.

Bast, or Bastet, is an Ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) Goddess well-recognized in popular culture today. Most know that she is represented as a cat or cat-headed woman, and that cats are sacred to her. This is very true, but it only scratches the surface of this complex and mysterious Deity.

Bast started out as a lion-headed goddess, known for protection and as an avenging warrior. She was worshipped mainly in Bubastis, including a yearly festival described by Herodotus where revelers would boat to Bubastis, drinking and dancing, and the women would lift up their skirts and hail those they passed by on the banks. This was not a lewd act but a celebration of freedom and divine femininity. Bast’s name is most often referenced as meaning ointment jar, or She of the ointment jar, and one of her many epithets is derived from this: “Lady of Perfumes”.

Bast is a daughter of Ra, the Egyptian sun God, and is an Eye of Ra. In some myths she is credited with protecting her father from the serpent Apep/Apophis, while in others that honor is given to other deities. Understanding the background of Egyptian gods and goddesses can be confusing, as they often change roles, are created one from another, or two or more deities are merged. Thus Bast is often linked to or conflated with, depending on the source, Sekhmet, Hathor, Isis, and the Greek Artemis.

It is said that Bast softened over time, and with the domestication of the cat, became more domestic herself, ruling over women’s mysteries, fertility (most probably due to the prolific nature of cats), childbirth, and sexuality, as well as joy, dance, music, perfume, and pleasure. She became a mother goddess while retaining some traits of maidenhood and all of her former fierceness—used to protect the home now as well as the people. A secondary duty of hers lies in playing a role in the afterlife as a guide and helper to the dead—this duty was shared by many Egyptian gods and goddesses. She is also associated with Egypt’s Distant Goddess myth (a goddess who leaves Ra and returns, bringing transformation).  It is during this time when she received the cat-headed and cat forms, differentiating her from the lioness goddesses. Her cat form is often depicted in black or gold, and sometimes, though not often, she is still shown as a great cat, mainly the lioness. I have seen her personally most often as a black panther.

I have found Bast to be a very personable Goddess, willing to work with anyone who would seek Her out, who would honor Her. Once you have dedicated, she will go to far lengths to get your attention with her will and messages— I can attest. There was a time when I was struggling, and I had let my spiritual practices slide… she showed herself to a close friend of mine, who is a Seer, to send me a message! That’s how much she cares for her followers. She is loving and nurturing, fierce and protective, joyous and sensual, mysterious and ecstatic, who can be very serious yet also take things in stride with light-heartedness, so much so that one devotee, Ashley Hunter, shared in an anthology titled The Queen of the Sky Who Rules Over All the Gods, that a new holy day to celebrate Bast should be April Fools Day (April 1) and be called Hilaria, sharing many ways to celebrate the revered Goddess (p68-72).

Altar for Bast Sept 16, 2020 by Lady Kaira W
—Egyptian Deities as well as cats love to be up high; this altar was placed accordingly on top of the bookshelf in the main room. Her statue is anointed with a special blend of perfumed oil, place by a friend for this purpose.”

Symbols: Cats (domestic and wild), ankh, wadjet eye, sistrum, ointment jar, solar disk, full moon.

Offerings: perfumes (wear some, spritz the room, or give her whole bottles or jars), creams, wine, beer, tea, honey, meats/fish, onions, chocolate, luxury goods, gold jewelry, small cat statues or trinkets, dance and song, fun, bright colors, sunbathing, as well as anything that would benefit her sacred cats, including donating time, money, or items to or raise awareness of no-kill shelters; not traditional but I personally often offer eggs

Colors: red and black, gold and yellow

Herbs: frankincense, myrrh, dragons blood, catnip, catmint, lavender, jasmine

Sacred Days (because of the trouble with translating calendars, many of these celebrations are given different dates; I’ve tried to list all.)


Full Moons

Day of Chewing Onions for Bast (Mar 4 or August 4)

Festival of Bast (April 15 and/or May 16)

Sailing of Bast (May 29)

Procession of Bast (August 27 and/or Sept 20),

Feast of Sekhmet and Bast (recorded as either Oct 31 and/or Nov 15),

Bast goes forth from Bubastis (Dec 5 or Dec 20)

Bast Protects the Two Lands (Dec 6 or Dec 21)

Feast of Bast (Dec 19)

Birthday of Bast (Dec 25)

Not all rituals for Bast include working with cats. She is a powerful goddess who wants to help you in your life as well as protect people, especially women, children, or anyone who is oppressed. She is an active Goddess in modern times. She has had me write petitions and prepare rituals for furthering her causes, and I know there is much more I can and will do for Her!

Following is a ritual invoking Bast and her father Ra. This ritual was written by a dear friend, sister witch, and fellow Goddess School student, Daeira Silverowl, and performed by her and I together in August of 2020. We held it outside, utilizing a bridge over a creek, to invoke sympathetic magic—reenacting the powerful story of Moses leading the slaves out of Egypt and crossing the Red Sea in order to combat white supremacy in our modern institutions, to end marginalization of all people who suffer under the system, especially people of color. Content Warning: it is politically motivated and intense. Note: This ritual has been edited for this page, to remove names and references to specific political figures.

Freedom! Ritual

Supplies: Bast Statue, Bast Ceremonial Candle, 2 Candles, Offerings to Deities and Land Spirits, red crepe paper (to represent red sea), staff, honey, BIG jar, sealing wax, images and letters for honey jar, cleansing herbs, lighter

Prep- set up altar, set up bridge water”, go over ritual and chants  

Introduce ourselves:

Hello Im Lady Kaira, Priestess of Bast, and this is my sister Daeira, Priestess of Hekate. We are here today to honor the gods, to free the marginalized people, and to protect the innocent from oppression. We will focus our ritual to instill kindness in the hearts of those who only know hate. Through ritual we will ask for the freedom of our people from those currently in power.  With harm to none, for the greatest good of all and in the Gods' names!

Cleanse with smoke and Chant:

Prepare Yourself

Prepare yourself. Prepare yourself. Open the Way. (3x)

Breathe now. Be now. Open the Way.

Breathe now. Be now. Open the Way

Honor Land Spirits: Daeira

Great Spirits of the Land: The land of those before us, the land that will be of those after us. We come to you in peace; we ask you to join us this evening, as we are here to help those in need, our oppressed brothers and sisters. We are here not to harm, but we are here to seek change, forgiveness and freedom. Spirits of the land, please accept these offerings of water and apple. Please help us do our work in peace, balance and for the greatest good of all. Hail and Welcome!!

Ground and Center/Cast Circle: Kaira

Calling Egyptian Elemental Guardians: Daeira

Water: Qebehsenuef, Guardian of the East and the element of Water! We call upon you tonight to let us flow as the soft waves of the sea, to clean us, purify us and to provide us with calm minds in these trial times! Water, water, water, hail and welcome!

Fire: Imsety,  Guardian of the South and the element of Fire! Bless us with will power, Fire! Transform us and shape us to stand tall and powerful! Makes us fierce and allow us to transform our lives and the lives of others. Fire, fire, fire, hail and welcome!

Air: Duamufet,  Guardian of the West and the element of Air! We call upon you to bring clarity, clear thoughts, sharp minds, focus, power of thoughts and the mental stability to accomplish what's important tonight. Air, air, air hail and welcome!

Earth: Hapi, Guardian of the North  and the element of the Earth! We call upon you tonight  to provide us with protection, grounding and nurturing! Earth, earth, earth hail and welcome!

 Ritual Introduction-   Kaira

 We are speaking out against current leaders, all people in power here, and those who support them, who are perpetrating and allowing extreme injustices on any person different from them, especially our Black brothers and sisters. The American institution uses unfair laws and police to enslave people of color in jail systems, harass them on the street, and murder them without reprisal. National troops are sent to combat and silence anyone who would protest. This stops TODAY. We will work to free all marginalized people from oppression of white supremacy. I am white, but I am not better than any other. No person is better than another. Every person deserves equal rights, equal freedom, regardless of the color of their skin… We all will be FREE!

 Chant: Eternitys Children by Sharon Knight and T. Thorn Coyle

We change as the sea changes, 

We are carried time through night.

Eternity we are your children, 

Lend us patience, give us sight. (3x)

 Waiting, now the time has come. (3x)

 Evoke God and Goddess: 

Ra: Daeira

O solar, lord radiance, rising on the horizon every day, may you shine on the face of your servant.  I have come before you; may I be with you to see your Disc every day. I praise you when you rise. You bring  morning to exalt your forms, and you ascend to magnify your beauties. Advancing, you fashion your limbs in gold; You turn your face to the west, and my arms are raised in acclamation of your setting in life; indeed it is you who is eternally praised when you set in Celestial Waters. I place you in my heart without the weakness, more divine than the gods. Praise you, rising as gold! Hail and Welcome!!!!! 

Bast: Kaira

Beloved Bast, I come today in your service. I humbly ask to stride beside you, Fierce One, Daughter of Ra, Protectress, as you safeguard our people with Feline Grace. Queen of my Heart, Never Tamed, Adored by Kemet, we honor you, Who Crosses Borders. Praise you, Lady of Strength. Hail and Welcome!!!!!

 Sympathetic Magic: 

 Lady Kaira confronts the leader over and again demanding of him to let those people go; he refuses, argues stupidly, stubbornly:

 Daeira Chants: We All Come from the Goddess

We all come from the Goddess

And to Her we shall return

Like a drop of rain

Flowing to the ocean

 Let our people go, Let our people go, Let our people go!!

In the name of the Egyptian Gods, Ra! powerful King of the Gods!  Bast! Fierce protectress of the people!

Let our people go now! In the name of the Gods! Let them go now!

 Brothers and sisters!  Lets go now! (Lady Kaira parts the red sea with her staff and gestures the victory with open arms.

As Kaira and Daeira let the people cross safely to the other side, Kaira screams:)

Because, if you wear a hijab, I will sit with you on the train.

If you are transgender, I will go to the bathroom with you.

If you are a person of color!!! I will stand by you wherever and whenever you need me! Count on me!

If you are a person with disabilities, I will hand you my megaphone.

If you are LGBTQIA, I will not let anybody tell you that you are broken.

If you are a woman, I will fight by your side for your rights.

If you are an immigrant, I will help you find resources and a safe place to live. This is your home, and you are welcome here!!!!

If you are a survivor, I will believe you.

If you are George Floyd, I will push the cops, so you can breath and run to your mommas arms! You are free, my brother! You can breathe, you can breathe, you can breathe and you are free!!! 

 Chant: We are the People

We are a people at the full height of our power

This is the place and now is the hour. 

We are a people at the full height of our power

This is the place and now is the hour. 

 We recognize our sacred worth, 

We have the power to transform the Earth

 Honey Jar

 After people are safe across the sea from the oppressors, Kaira will stand before the bridge and pick up the jar and honey. She will name those in power as she places their images in the jar, and covers with the honey, talking to each image as she places it in, sticking them so they cannot follow, sweetening them. Those who hate need Divine Love and forgiveness.  

 As she closes the jar, Kaira repeats three times:


Kindness grows inside your heart

your hatred of difference falls apart

softened with sweetness you will be

fair to all, so mote it be

 Kaira and Daeira then continue across the bridge to bring the jar to the altar, and we continue to chant to empower it.


Say something about the victory and that the work doesnt stop here!

Farewell to God and Goddess

Sing out elements

Final thanks to land spirits

Close Circle

Thank you to all who have walked before me, whose wisdom and information can be found included in the books and links below, to all who have led me and supported me in my journey, and to all who have read this page and hopefully learned more of my Goddess, Bast!




Buchanan, Rebecca and McCauley, Dorothy, eds. The Queen of the Sky Who Rules Over All the Gods, A Devotional Anthology in Honor of Bast. 2015, Neos Alexandria/Bibliotheca Alexandrina Incorporated.

 Jackson, Lesley. Sekhmet & Bastet The Feline Powers of Egypt (Egyptian Gods and Goddesses), 2nd Edition. April 29, 2020, Avalonia.

Lurker, Manfred. “Bastet” An Illustrated Dictionary of The Gods and Symbols of Ancient Egypt. 1980 English Language Edition by Thames and Hudson Ltd., New York.

Smith, William, ed. (1854–1857). "Bubastis"Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. London: John Murray. Retrieved 2012-01-28.


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This page is the intellectual and creative property of Lady Kaira W.
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