Internship Mini-Course

The practice of Magick centered around Dragons.

Luna Esque

Week IV

The Hedgewitch Cooks Song to the Dragon Power


Perform the circle casting as explained in Lesson III. Don't forget to close it as well when you are done. Perform the following The Hedgewitch Cooks Song to the Dragon Power ritual after casting the circle saying the following words. The Hedgewitch Cooks are a group of witches in Glastonbury, England that have a shop that ships internationally. They also offer their own classes internationally.

"Dragon of the ancient land I call you here today Wrapped around the landscape your energy in play Dragon of ancient power I call you with this rite Come to me flow through me bathing me in light You who are the stones standing on the hill You who are the power, the force of the witches will Deep within the forest I see you coil your tail I find a path within the tree and walk the song land trails."

"Oh Dragon of the ancient light we see you in our dreams We greet you on mountain tops and beside meandering streams You are the ancient land your energy the potent lays Come to me flow through me oh power of the sacred ways Dragon of the rainbow land, healing dreams you bring Deep within the eternal void I hear the song you sing Yours is a song of making charged with ancient power I sing it loud; I sing it pure within every midnight hour."

Meditate or perform any other type of activity that feels right to you at this time. Don't forget to thank the Dragons and close the circle, saying whatever is in your heart if you want to..


In Closing

Thank you so much for attending this mini-course on Dragon Magick. This practice has enhanced my life in many ways. When I have been at my weakest, I have found strength in calling on the Dragons for strength, guidance, and protection. I hope you will feel the same way about Dragon Magick as I do. I find Dragons humorous, witty, and entertaining. It all started with a dream that affected me so deeply I wrote the following poem, and continue to write my own rituals and prose. Attached is a picture of what my Dragon, whom I nicknamed Puff, looks like. Just like Puff the Magick Dragon.

I dreamed my dragon/On a quiet night/Met on a coved beach/Friends at first sight/We talked about life/And making things better/What a surprise to me/The dreams we shared together /It scared me at first/To dream of such a creature/But only love was shared/Between me and my teacher/It was fascinating/To have such a friend/A wise and beautiful Dragon/To help me until the end. - Luna Esque

Week 4

Question 1: Was it easier for you to cast the circle this time? Please explain.

Question 2: How did you feel while performing The Hedgewitch Cooks Song to the Dragon Power? Please explain.

Question 3: Do you want to perform this ritual again?  Please explain.

Question 4. Do you want to continue learning Dragon Magick? Please explain.

Please send your feedback to me at:
Luna Esque

Copyright Luna Esque 2018