Sisters of the Burning Branch Goddess Gallery Presents...

Goddess Hekate

 This Image is credit of my husband Matthew Wiseman.

by Morella


Hecate was worshipped in many forms; maiden, mother, crone, and also as all three, the triple goddess. She was worshipped and prayed to because she was believed to preside over the cycles of life, birth, death and rebirth, as well as wisdom, protection, and providing valuable counsel. She was the only deity outside of Zeus who had the power to grant or withhold anything that she wanted from humans, which gave her great power amongst the people.

She was honored many times out of the year, including during the Eleusinian Mysteries, Anthesteria (a festival of flowers), a feast to the goddesses of the underworld, a mysterious ritual on the island of Aegina which we know little about, and her own feast-nights in November, December, and another  in August which celebrated her darker aspects. This night became known as Hecate the Dark Mother. Her festivals were held at night by torchlight, typically at a crossroads because this is believed to be where the worlds meet. Pillars were often erected to her at these crossroads , called hecataea. Worshippers also offered her foods, including mullet, garlic, eggs, cheese and cake. Because of the plethora of foods that were left for her, these nights of offerings became known as Hecate’s Suppers.

Hecate was primarily a woman’s deity, associated with healing, prophesy, magic, divination, communication with the dead, spells, averting evil, hauntings, curses, making difficult decisions and wisdom. She was prayed to for help in all of these matters as well as in cases of madness and epilepsy, as these conditions were believed to be caused by the spirits of the dead. Her most loyal of followers would stain their palms and soles with henna in her honor.

Simple Hecate Ritual When Facing a Difficult Decision
-By Morella-

You will need: An item with as many sides as choices you are deciding between and a food offering to leave there if you wish.
Before you leave your home, meditate for as long as you need on the decision you are facing, holding your item in your hands. When you are ready, go to a crossroads, under the light of the moon. While streets are ok, I’d recommend something with less traffic, like a walking trail or bike path. At the crossroads, recite “Hecate the wise, lend me your eyes. I wish to see the best path for me. Give me the sight to do this right.“ Toss your item into the crossroads. Thank Hecate for hearing your prayer, leave her your offering and walk away. Do not look back, the answer to your prayer lies ahead.


“The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Magic” by Venetia Newall
“Moon Magick” by D.J. Conway
“365 Goddesses” by Patricia Telesco
“Celebrate the Divine Feminine: Reclaim Your Power with Ancient Goddess Wisdom: Hecate” by Joy F. Reichard, M.A.

Drawing by my husband, Matthew Wiseman.

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