of the Burning Branch Goddess Gallery Presents...

Artemis, daughter of Leto and Zeus and twin sister of Apollo, is the
Greek Goddess of the wilderness, the hunt, wild animals, fertility, and
the moon. She was an Olympian and a virgin goddess. Artemis loved to
run through forests with Nymphs, hunting while being armed with a set
of bow and arrows that were made for her by Hephaestus and Cyclopes.
Artemis had the ability to bring and relieve women of disease and
sickness. In later Hellenistic times, she assumed the ancient role of
Eileithyia in aiding childbirth. For centuries and still today, Artemis
is worshipped around the globe.
Artemis went by many names, her Roman counterpart being Diana, but she
was also called: Agrotora the patron goddess of hunters, Potnia Theron
the patron goddess of wild animals, Kourotrophos the nurse of youths,
Locheia goddess of childbirth and midwives, Cynthia names after her
birthplace on Mount Cynthus on Delos, and Phoebe which is the feminine
form of Phoebus, another name for her twin brother. Artemis has also
been identified with Bast, Luna, Hecate, and Selene.
Being a virgin goddess, she is one of the few goddesses not affected by
Aphrodite's manipulations. Although Artemis is more often thought and
recognized as the daughter of Leto, there is a myth that she is
actually the daughter of Demeter, with no say on who the father would
be. Artemis is typically shown with a bow and arrow that represents the
crescent moon and it's silver rays. She is most often depicted as
wearing a crescent moon above her forehead. Artemis is a maiden
Goddess, never to marry or bore children but also a Mother goddess that
guards and helps women during childbirth. She is also shown being
followed by a fox, stag, leopard, or lion and sometimes even a
combination of them.
Her sacred
animals are deer, geese, wild dogs, bees, and bears to name a few.
Since she is a protectress of all animals, it can be said that any
animal is sacred to her. Herbs and foods that were associated and
sacred to her were almonds, amaranth, cannabis, cedar, cypress,
daisies, date palm, hazel, honey, mugwort, myrtle, and willow. As for
crystals and metals, moonstone, pearl, quartz, silver, turquoise, iron,
aluminum, and diamonds are sacred to her.
Around 550 BCE, a temple was built in honor of Artemis in the city of
Ephesus which is located in present day Turkey. The temple had a total
of 127 columns and was built entirely of marble. Unfortunately, the
temple was burned to the ground in 356 BCE then restored to be only
destroyed again in 262 CE. It is said that the temple of Artemis was
one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
The month
of March is associated with Artemis as well as April. Monday's, also
sometimes considered "Moon Day" is associated with Artemis, as she is
closely linked with the moon. In November there is a festival called
"Sagittarius Festival" that is a Greek holy day. It is dedicated to
Artemis and is celebrated in November. Young greek women would often
dedicate locks of hair, dolls, and toys to Artemis just before their
marriage ceremonies in her temples. While Artemis did not want marriage
for herself, she was not against it for others.
With Diana being the Roman counterpart of Artemis, starting on August
13th the Roman's have a week long festival for this beloved moon
goddess; praying that she turns any damaging storms away and protect
the harvest. As we learn from Patricia Telesco's 365 Goddess, the
themes for this festival are fertility, children, providence,
abundance, and harvest. During the festival, Diana is remembered and
honored as the huntress who "helps us capture the spiritual food we
Ritual To Bring Some Of Artemis' Attributes Into Your Own Life.
done during the New moon. During the day, go for a nature walk, and
bring with you offerings for Artemis be it fruit, herbs, or even
stones. Let your feet lead you to a spot where you feel you can leave
the offering for her. Sit for a moment with your offering, let your
energies and positivity flow into it.
When ready, leave your
offering and on your way back, make sure that anything that catches
your eye, be it a stick, a leaf, or a rock, you bring back with you and
use as a charm, for this is a gift from Artemis.
Once home, set up
your sacred space with a white or silver candle, any crystals you feel
you wish to have with you, a bowl of water, a glass of milk as well as
the charm you found on your walk. Cast your circle and call upon the
quarters, invoking your deities particularly Artemis.
Begin to
meditate, focus and concentrate on what it is you want her to bring to
you. Be it freedom, fertility, help in childbirth, abundance, or
whatever you personally feel like she can aide you with. Once you have
in mind what you want brought into your life, fill the glass of milk
with those energies. Feel it's white creamy liquid soak up your
thoughts and hopes, envisioning it as the moon itself with Her powerful
energies bringing to you what you seek.
While holding the glass, chant the Triple Goddess
Chant by Peter Soderberg:
"Holy maiden Huntress
Artemis, Artemis
New moon, come to us.
Silver Shining wheel of radiance,
Mother, come to us!"
chanting until you feel that the milk is full to the brim of your
energy. Then, slowly pour the milk into your bowl of water that
represents your life now. See how the milk and your energies slowly
overcome the water, turning it milky white, and filling your life with
Artemis' divine light. Carry the bowl outside at night time, and pour
it into the soil, letting the earth soak up the magick and energies
raised as Artemis works on sending you what you asked her for. Carry
the charm you found on your nature walk to keep Her energies with you
and thank her for all she gives.
My Original art: A
bracelet I made that came to me during a guided meditation of a Moon
Journey. When I had met with the Moon, which I related with Artemis,
she gave me a necklace made of blue goldstone and moonstone to
represent her so that I could always carry her with me. Ever since I
had this vision during the meditation, I knew I had to make something
like this. I made a bracelet made of blue goldstone beads and opalite,
to represent the beautiful moon among the stars. It is charged by the
full moon and carries great energies of Her.
Once and Future Goddess; Elinor W Gadon
365 Goddess; Patricia Telesco
How to Ride a Silver Broomstick; Silver Ravenwolf
page is the intellectual and creative property of Rayne