Sisters of the Burning Branch Goddess Gallery Presents...
Freyja - Goddess of Passion, Seidr, and Plenty


 by Sindr

Freyja is the Vanir Goddess of Love, Death, Fertility, and Magic.  While she is mostly regarded as being beautiful and a symbol of lust and sensuality, she is multi-faceted: Queen of Valkyries and harvester of the slain, teacher of seidr - a form of magic and sorcery which was predominantly practised by women.  She is much more than a Goddess with perky breasts and a pretty necklace!

"Freyja is the most famous of the Goddesses. She has in heaven a dwelling which is called Fólkvangr, and when she rides to the battle, one half of the slain belong to her, and the other half to Óðinn. As is here said:

"Fólkvangr it is called,
And there rules Freyja.
For the seats in the hall
Half of the slain
She chooses each day;
The other half is Óðinn's."

Her hall is Sesrúmnir, and it is large and beautiful. When she goes abroad, she drives in a wagon drawn by two cats. She lends a favourable ear to men who call upon her, and it is from her name that the title has come that noble women are called freyjur ("lady"). Love-poetry she likes well, and it is good to call on her in love affairs."  "Gylfaginning - Snorri Sturluson"

The name "Freyja" is how we know this Goddess, but she has many names.   Freyja is a Vanir, a race of agricultural deities/demi-gods from Vanaheim.   The Poetic Eddas recount the Vanir and Aesir warring with each for many years, but the Aesir could not defeat the Vanir - a common theory is the Vanir are perhaps an older set of deities which were usurped by the arrival of the Aesir worshipping Vikings (Lindow, John (2001). "Norse Mythology: A Guide to the Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs").   In order to attempt to bring the war to a close and encourage peace, both sides exchanged several war-hostages: Freyja, Freyr and their father Njord came to live with the Aesir to keep the peace.  It is said in the Eddas the Aesir hostages didn't fare anywhere near as well, and Mimir was slain with his head returned to Odin.

Freyja possessed a form of magic the Aesir did not have: seidr; which was a powerful magic taught only to the women of the Vanir, and galdr, essentially a magic language which is all but lost.  Odin, in his quest for knowledge and power, was rather keen to have Freyja as part of the peace-contract, and learned seidr and galdr from here - although the Eddas tells us he had to dress and act like a woman (being ergi - or "unmanly") in order for Freyja to teach him.  The arts of seidr and galdr however must have been worth it, for the Eddas are filled of stories of powerful volva, or seers/sorceresses, who also had these gifts.  Freyja was a capable shape-shifter, turning one of her lovers into a boar to ride, or donning a cloak made of falcon feathers to allow her to fly anywhere she wished.

Freyja was given the status of Queen of the Valkyries - the warrior-women who rode out upon a battlefield and gathered up the souls of the best warriors to bring to Asgard.  However, as a result of this service, Freyja was allowed to claim half of the souls for herself to bring to her hall Sessrumnir.  Freyja has a sizeable army in comparison with Odin's own.  This may be of use if Ragnarok comes, as Freyja is said to be one of the only survivors of Ragnarok, and it will be up to her and Balder (Odin's murdered son, dwelling in the Underworld) to reform the new universe.  Therefore, Freyja could also be considered a Goddess of Death and Rebirth.

Freyja's most prized possession was her necklace named Brisingamen.  The Eddas tells us she saw four dwarves working on the necklace and was so captivated by their work; she offered to spend a night with each of them as payment for the necklace.  While the somewhat Christianised bent of the Eddas makes this exchange out as prostitution, it can be interpreted that Freyja felt the necklace was worth the price. 

Freyja is said to be beautiful, bountiful, and wealthy, but she's also living proof that looks don't always make a woman happy.  The Eddas relate the story of her lost husband, whom we only know of as Od.  She wandered the world searching for her love, and wept tears which turned to amber once they hit the ground.  Amber was also a symbol of wealth in ancient times, but also were a symbol of sorrow and loss.

Freyja is highest in rank next to Frigg. She was married to someone called Odh (Ecstasy). Hnoss is the name of their daughter. She is so beautiful that from her name whatever is beautiful and precious is called hnossir (treasures). Odh went off on long travels, and Freyja stayed behind, weeping, and her tears are red gold. Freyja has many names, and the reason for this is that she adopted various names when she was travelling among strange peoples looking for Odh. She is known as Mardöll and Horn, Gefn, Syr.
(Edda, p. 29-30)

Freyja's symbols:
of all kinds, strawberries in particular

Elder Futhark:

Potential lessons Freyja can teach:
Seeking soul mates
Relationship issues
Working with the dead or ancestors
Learning self-worth and self-esteem
Recovering from abuse
Sex magic
Sacred Sexuality
Protection for pets and other animal companions

Rituals for Freyja
While many people petition Freyja for love, she is also a powerful sorceress and diviner. Keep in mind Freyja is a Goddess of the North, and therefore if you ask Her for her help, you must be willing to give Her something back in return!  Never leave it open for interpretation or you may find yourself bound to a task you don't want to do.  You could promise to use your abilities to benefit Freyja herself, or could dedicate a week of service to Her, or donate money to an animal shelter (a cat shelter if possible). 

Friday is the best day to do this working, preferably on a waxing moon:
One candle, gold or red
Offerings of rose petals, berries, white wine or a bit of honeycomb
Fresh flowers if possible, depending on season.

Try to make sure everything is organic or as pesticide-free as possible - Freyja is an agricultural deity and therefore will not appreciate anything chemical-laden.  Cut the Fehu rune into the candle with a dull knife, chanting the following.

"Freyja, Lady of Seidr, She who sees far,
Teacher of galdr, your words are power.
Grant me your gifts in seidr,
Grant me your gifts in galdr
So I may serve well."

Light the candle and take some time to meditate before the flame, giving the offerings to Freyja and giving Her time to accept them.  Then keep your eyes and mind open to Her reply!

This page is the intellectual and creative property of Sindr @2013

October 2013
