of the Burning Branch Goddess Gallery ...
Goddess Hecate
by Sway H.Cogar
my final project I chose Hecate or perhaps she chose me? It’s been a
long journey with her we been through a lot together, but somehow
there’s always more to learn.
If you feel called to this
Goddess I encourage you to learn more. Here’s some bite sized pieces of
information about Goddess Hecate to get you started.
•Her role in magic is that she is the Queen of magic and said to be the first witch.
was traditionally honored and worshiped at night and she takes her
petitions at night and offerings can be left at the crossroads on the
new moon cycle.
•She is the guardian of doorways in Ancient
Greece she at one time was the most important goddess As a household
goddess altars were placed by the entrance of the doorways for
•She’s the goddess of boundaries and
transformation.She will protect the vulnerable, she will work with your
new beginnings at the new moon and she will bless you with strength
protection and prosperity.
•Her animals she associated with are the owl, horse,dog,frogs and snakes.
•Noumenia is the first sliver of the moon and the best time to worship, and ask for support and starting abundance spells.
• The night of Hecate is November 16th.
•She is a triple goddess. Maiden, Mother, Crone she also can move through time past present and future.
• Hekation, is a shrine centered on a wood or stone carving of a triple Hecate facing in three directions.

Samhain Altar by Sway
Prayer to Hecate
by Sway
Hecate bless my earth walk,
Through dark and dawn day and dusk.
Help me bring into balance the forces within, Light and dark, above and below.
As a knife can not have only one side,
I am not whole one without the other.

Handmade Silver Pendant by Sway
Hecate Clay Sculpture by Sway
SpellHecate’s blessing of the familiars by SwayLight incense and a dressed protection candleCast circle:Circle of spirit and lightGuard this sacred circle this nightReflect back all harm and baneOnly good energy can stay and reign.Call in Goddess Hecate Blessed Hecate please bless my familiar Watch over them always and everShall they be protected from this day forward.Blessed be.Anoint familiar with oil or water Take time and visualize a golden light surrounding and protecting your familiar.You can concentrate and bless a charm or collar for the familiar and magically charge it at this time.It’s a good idea to put your familiars photo on the altar to Hecate with a protective sigil on in.Thank Hecate for her protection And thank your familiar for their love and companionship.

Women's Full Moon Circle Altar by Sway
As Above So Below

Nomenia By Sway
Hecate’s Owl by Sway

1st Altar to Hecate by Sway
Closing PrayerGreat Mother Goddess,Who birthed the world,the moon and witches.Witch MotherMoon Mother Dark Mother GoddessMother of All.Hail Goddess Hecate!Thank the quarters and close the circle.
The Sacred Hecate Tree by Sway
Pictures captions: In Order First to Last
My Latest Altar for Goddess Hecate by Sway
Samhain Altar by Sway
Handmade Silver Pendant by Sway
Clay Sculpture by Sway
Women’s New Moon Circle Altar-by Sway
As Above So below close up
Hecate by Sway
Nomenia By Sway
Hecate’s Owl by Sway
My First Altar to Hecate
Sacred Hecate Tree -Sway