Sisters of the Burning Branch Goddess Gallery Presents...
Goddess Artemis
By Venus Nighthawk
Background story : Artemis is the Greek Goddess of the Hunt, Nature and Birth.
She is also described in Greek mythology as "Goddess of the Night", "Lady of the Beast", "Woodland Goddess" and "Phoebe," which translates as the bright one.
Several of this Goddesses roles may appear incompatible in nature. An example of this is that she is associated both with death, brought swiftly through her arrows and healing. She is also both Goddess of the hunt and the protector of wild animals. These contradictions are in story: Artemis is the Greek Goddess of the hunt, nature, and birth. She is also a Bird Goddess as she is linked to several wild birds including guinea fowl, buzzards and an unidentified sea bird.
Artemis was also known as a Moon Goddess. Where she represents the new moon. Artemis is an important archetypal figure for young independent and unmarried woman in the form of the maiden goddess.
Born to Leto and Zeus, she is also the twin sister to Apollo, whom according to myth, she helped her mother to deliver. This is why she was traditionally called upon by woman to ease the pains of childbirth.
She was a virgin Goddess who never married or had any children.
Her strength: Artemis strengths are Independence, courage, confidence and physical strength
When this Goddess is only three years old she asks her father, Zeus for her own bow and arrow.
Her independence and free spirited nature is not appreciated however by all the Goddesses. Aphrodite has no control over her as she is not interested in love. The Queen of the Gods, Hera is also forced into confronting her when Artemis sides with the Trojans during the war.
Now Artemis weakness are Vengeful, impulsive and aloof. When one of priestesses is caught with her lover in the temple grounds she punishes the whole surrounding community with a plague.
On another occasion she discovered a man out hunting named Actaeon, peeping at her and her companions she transformed him into a stag and his own dogs devoured him.
Like many of the Greek Goddesses, she doesn't have not like to be beaten. When Agamemnon kills a stag and boasts that she could not have done it better, she is swift in seeking her revenge, holding back the winds and preventing his fleet from sailing.
She is Roman equivalent to Diana.
Artemis symbols:
Symbolism: her bow and arrow also depicts her as a winged Goddess holding a stag and a leopard or lion.
Crescent moon (new moon), bow and arrow, sandals, clouds, three pillars, and blue sky.
Sacred Animals: Deer, bears and hunting dogs guinea fowl, elephant, horses, bear, dove, and bee.
Sacred Birds: Guinea fowl and Buzzards were associated with this bird Goddess.
Sacred Plants: Cypress, almond, fir, walnut and willow trees. Amaranth, daisy, wormwood. Anemones, flowering almond, hazel, ranunculus, honeysuckle, thistle, Laurel
Perfumes/Scents:Jasmine, aloe, ginseng, lemon verbena, and camphor
Gems and Metals: Moonstone, pearl, quartz, crystal, silver, turquoise, iron, aluminum, and diamonds.
Colors: Silver, white, red, green, and turquoise
Prayer for Artemis
Artemis, huntress of the moon, Give me strength and courage to be brave yet empowering to others as you are to me. Artemis allow me to have wisdom and your guidance to be fearless yet independent. Help me by my own Lady of the Beast as you are to us the goddess of night huntress of the moon thank you for blessing me .
Spend a few more moments meditating on your meeting with Artemis. Why is she important to you? Tell her. Thank her for meeting with you and being an influence in your life, then say goodbye (for now).
Magic ritual to invoke
What needed
• A silver candle
• Moonstone, pearl, quartz, crystal, silver, turquoise, iron, aluminum, or Diamond
• Jasmine, aloe, ginseng, lemon verbena, and camphor oil to put on candle
• Cypress, almond, fir, walnut and willow trees. Amaranth, daisy, wormwood. Anemones, flowering almond, hazel, ranunculus, honeysuckle, thistle, Laurel to put around the candle
1. Set altar having silver candle in the middle with oil of your choice on the candle
2. Add herbs around the candle for offering to artemis
3. On the right make a crescent moon using the crystals of your choice from the list
4. Cast circle and welcome her in the circle
5. Light the silver candle
6. Now we will say this
I call on you, Artemis, to help me realize that my goals are attainable, and that I can realize my visions
Remind me, Artemis, that I can release all indecisiveness and move on with my life.
Remind me, Artemis, to appreciate the other women in my life and the companionship and courage that they give me.
Lend me your independent spirit and unwillingness to compromise what is important, Artemis, so that I can become more true to myself.
Artemis, lend me your ability to display competence without being arrogant or inconsiderate
Thank you Artemis huntress of the moon Goddess of the hunt, nature and birth.goddess of the night", "Lady of the Beast", "Woodland Goddess" and "Phoebe, we thank you for being here tonight and we bid you farewell until next meet.
Then close your circle and done
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