
By Baywytch

In times of strife I call her   
My demons she will slay 
To bring me peace and harmony
I honor her each day
~Poem to Durga
by  Baywytch

 The Hindu Goddess that kills your demons. She came to be when the Gods were threatened with extinction. Each one of the Gods offered a part of themselves for her, chakra power from Vishnu, and a
trident from Shiva. Her name alone stands for invincible. When demonic forces create instability the Gods unite their power and create Shatki or Durga.

September 7 is her day of honor. Her place in Indian Mythology is so important that the Indian national anthem sings her praises as a guardian.

Her symbols are rice bowl and spoon,fire, the color yellow and the Lion.

Pictures are from Sacred Source
Information for this report was found in numerous sources, citing the same information

Copyright 2005

This page is the intellectual and creative property of Baywytch