Introduction to Divination

Lesson 1


With Chenoa
Priestess, Sisters of the Burning Branch



          What is Divination? Divination is the method or practice of seeking knowledge by supernatiual means. It is foretelling the future, or discovering the unknown through omens, oracles, or supernatural powers.


          During these 4 lessons we will explore different ways of Divination. We will learn 5 different methods. Now, don’t panic, because I will also teach you how to make the tools you need with things probably found in your house. If you do need to buy something, it will be an investment of just a few dollars.

          I will not require you to make and try every method. Not all methods will agree with you.  But remember, the more methods you try, the more you will find that you can use.



          Before I took my first Tarot class, I tried to read a little about it. Everyone recommended a different deck. So, my dilema was who do I listen to?  It took me years, but I have learned that you have to listen to yourself. You have to have patience also. You won’t get answers right away, you have to wait and listen. This is also true when working with Tarot. Many times, the answers can be found within. Just Listen.

          To choose a deck, look at the pictures.  There are websites that show you examples of the different decks. If possible, pick them up and feel how the deck feels in your hands. When you have seen the right deck, you will just know it.

          If you don’t have a tarot deck, you can start a few tarot exercises with a standard deck of playing cards. A playing deck does not include the Major Arcana. You can keep them out, or you can choose to make them from another deck. If you are just learning, I would suggest leaving them out and concentrating on the Minor Arcana. You will also be minus one court card. A playing deck has only Jack, Queen and King. A tarot deck has Page, Knight, Queen and King, or in some decks Shamans, Priestess, Son and daughter.  You can make the missing card from from jokers, instructions, or another deck.

          Here are some suggestions for which suits to represent the suits of the Tarot. This is just how I see it. There is no right or wrong representation. You can change it if you feel differently.


Hearts = Cups- Water, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces; They are associated with emotions and affairs of the heart


Diamonds= Discs or Pentacles- Earth, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn; They are associated with money and material matters


Spades= Swords- Air, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius; They are associated with thoughts and intellect


Clubs= Wands-Fire, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius: They are associated with career, work and creativity

          Here is a guide to what each number means for each card. These aren’t the only meanings. If you see a card and you get an impression it is different than on this list- listen to what you are being told within!



Ace    Essence of primal energy

2                   Divine discontent

3                   Waiting, patience

4                   Domestic peace and harmony

5                   Friction, petty problems

6                   Victory, confidence

7                   Valor in struggle

8                   Lust, speedy energy

9                   Defensiveness, protection

10                Burden, blame, oppression



Ace    Essence of pure love

2       Friendship, healing power of love

3       Community, celebration

4       Rejection, refusal

5       Disappointment, loss

6       Innocence, nostalgia

7       Illusions, magic

8       Restlessness, leaving the unknown for what is missing

9       Satisfaction, abundance

10    Bliss, contentment, joy in relationship



Ace    Essence of prosperity

2                   Ambivalence, mixed message

3                   Recognition, notice for work well done

4                   Holding on to what is yours

5                   Deprivation, unmet needs, feeling left out

6                   Balanced giving and receiving

7                   Building with perserverance, priorities

8                   Developing one’s craft

9                   Conserving natural balance

10                Support from the family, tribe, ancestors



Ace    Essence of power, breakthrough

2                   Await inner guidance, indecisive, protective

3                   Separation, alienation

4                   Withdrawal: renewal, recharge

5                   Confrontation

6                   Journey from rough to calmer waters

7                   Shakey plans, deception, exposure

8                   Vulnerability, insecurity

9                   Despair, desolation, dark night of the soul

10                Betrayal, pain



You can use a deck you already have, or a deck of playing cards. Do a simple “check up” or ask for guidance. Shuffle the cards. Make sure you have your question clear in your mind. When it feels right, stop shuffling and cut the deck. Lay out 3 cards. The first one is for Mind, the next is Body, and the Third is Spirit.


Send me a paragraph or two of your experience.

Do you have a Tarot deck, or two? If so, tell me about it.

Do you plan on getting a deck, or adding to your collection?


Email me directly with your response to


Thank you for taking my lessons,
