4 Week Course By Ezevia Rose


Week Four


Part A

Using your pendulum to discover the psychic world


This instrument is great to ‘explore’ the psychic realms that are around us.

Once again please remember you are a beginner and you should have fun.


More experienced pendulum readers can determine the time and place of birth for people, some astrologers use their pendulums to read astrological charts giving them access to information they may not have had.


Many of us may be confronted from time to time by negative energy. Your pendulum can help protect you from this.  It may even be a good idea from time to time to ask your pendulum if you are being physically attacked.  Perhaps you haven’t been well, or find yourself getting sick more often than usual. If anything out of the ordinary may be going on with you check in with your pendulum.


Have you found at any time in your life you may have been feeling more negative than other times, do you think perhaps you may have received negative energy?  What might you have done to ‘cleanse’ yourself?  Would you try using your pendulum to see if you have been under physical attack?



Part B

Aura Protection


You can use your pendulum to find out the size and ‘health’ of your aura


First to keep up your defense and your aura strong remember to breathe. Most of us tend to hold our breath more often than freely breathing.  Take a moment now to breathe.

Take several deep breaths hold them in for a few seconds and then release. Each time you do this you are increasing the size of your aura. Fresh air and sunlight also help increase the health of our auras. Exercise, walking and even laughter can open and brighten our auras.

Do you find a difference in your ‘aura’ after this simple breathing exercise?


White light

If you want personal protection you will want a good healthy and strong aura.  You can increase this also with white light. You can imagine this beautiful white light coming from the heavens into you and encircling you with protection or simply visualize yourself in a circle of white light. White light allows positive energy to protect you while repelling negative energy.

The more you practice white light surrounding you the easier it will become, in time you will simply need to say “white light” to yourself to feel the protection.

If at some point you feel that a particular part of your body may feel opened to negativity imagine a purple or dark blue candle in that area burning strongly, as the candle burns down the openness or discomfort will be released, leaving you feeling stronger and calmer.

Do you practice the use of white light now?  Would you consider it if you don’t already?

How do you think it would help you, if you don’t use it?


Part C

Self sabotage


As we are all aware there are times in our lives where we have buried some emotions that may or may not have surfaced in our daily lives.  Over a lifetime these may increase or decrease making different parts of your life difficult.

Ask your pendulum if you may be holding back any negativity?

Ask if it is in your social life, at work, at home, or with a family member. If you can determine where that negativity is coming from you may be ready to let it go!

If the pendulum says you may NOT be ready to let it go you may perform this release ritual.

Hold your pendulum in front of you and say aloud: “I forgive myself for everything”. Repeat these words out loud over and over until your pendulum starts moving to indicate a positive response. This may or may not happen the first time. If it does not happen, repeat this step daily until it does.

The positive response shows you can now release the negativity from your subconscious mind.

Go outdoors with your pendulum. Take several deep breaths, holding each breath for a few seconds then exhale deeply. Say out loud: “I now release all of my negativity. I no longer need it, I am letting go, I am letting it go now!”

Repeat this exercise several times saying it with passion and fervor. You should have a physical sense of release as you let go of the negativity.

After this release pick up your pendulum and ask “Am I still holding onto any negativity?”

The answer should be no, if the answer is yes repeat this exercise repeatedly on a daily basis until the pendulum tells you the negativity is gone.


This is a good exercise to work with, did you try it?  I would like to know what your experiences were if you care to share.



Part D

Protection in your daily life


We have gone over many exercises to help you gain confidence in using your pendulum over a period of time you will gain expertise and knowledge from the time you put into learning more about your pendulum and yourself.


If you make it a practice to carry your pendulum with you always (which I do personally) you can use it whenever you feel the need.


When you meet someone for the first time you can find out about his/her character use your pendulum.

If you are making a purchase and you question quality or need, use your pendulum.

If you have received a letter from someone and you question its validity, use your pendulum.

If you are in business yourself and question someone’s intentions, use your pendulum.

Just keep in mind that you should try to make decisions on your own, but if at any time you question anything you can use your pendulum. By using your pendulum you are exercising your intuition, building your confidence in your intuitive ‘feelings’ and kind of giving yourself a ‘pat on the back’ so to speak using your intuition.

I hope that you have had fun learning about pendulum use and will consider taking your pendulum with you wherever you go.

Please share with me how you liked or disliked this information, how you may use it to your advantage.


The following are some good resources you may find helpful.


Pendulum Magic for Beginners by Richard Webster


A little book of Pendulum Magic  by D.J. Conway


Pendulum Healing Book  by Walter Lubeck


Pendulum Power by Greg Nielsen and Joseph Polansky


The Practical Pendulum Book  by D. Jurriaanse


All of the above are available on-line at and Barnes and Noble stores, they are reasonably priced books.


Pamela M. Fernandes
Ezevia Rose

Ezevia Rose 2005