A Mini
Course by Firefly

Week 3. Stone Magick
This week let’s
create a spell using stone magick. I’ve
listed some common stones, but feel free to use any stones that resonate with
you for the results you seek.
There is
no right or wrong combination. Go
through your jewelry box. Use stones
that have special meaning for you.
As in Week I, note the meaning of the colors as well as the stone.
Common colored stones:
Agate (all types)---protection, good luck, strength, inspiration. Good for insomnia.
Amber—soothing, cleansing, wisdom. Good for addictions and stress related problems.
Amethyst---“Sobriety stone”, peace, calm, inner strength. Good for insomnia, headaches, addictions, and general healing.
Bloodstone—courage, survival, renewal, strength, victory, abundance.
Good for intense healing, anemia, blood diseases, post-surgery recovery.
Blue Lace Agate—Tranquility, grace, ease communication, protection.
Good for arthritis, headaches, growth and bones.
manifestation, good luck, verbal skills. Protection from anger,
jealousy, fears. Good for rejuvenating tissue and cells, kidney
stones, colds and allergies.
attunement, balance, grounding, centering, focusing energy. Good
for insomnia, mending broken bones, anemia.
Jade—Fidelity, dreams, resourcefulness, emotional balance, protection.
Good for heart illness and kidneys.
Moonstone—introspection, insight, harmony, intuition. Substitute for pearl in crystal healing.
Mother of Pearl—mental clarity, imagination, adaptability. Good for vision, cataracts, dizziness, high blood pressure.
recognition of personal strength, grounding, protection. Good for
stamina, childbirth, and wound healing.
(Fool’s Gold, Healer’s Gold)—defense, prevention, protection from
negativity, shields from physical danger. Good for physical
wholeness, stamina, circulation.
Rose quartz—Love of all kinds, peace, happiness. Goods for emotional wounds, headaches, migraines.
Ruby—Integrity, generosity, nurturing, spiritual wisdom, prosperity.
Good for heart, brain, circulation, throat.
Sapphire—joy, peace, beauty, meditation, mental clarity.
Lowers fevers, relieves depression, reduces inflammation.
mirror, intuition, enhance and store energy of gemstones, moon energy,
feminine/yin energy. Eliminates toxins, headache, nausea,
practicality,grounding peacefulness, willpower. Heals bruises,
stomach problems, eyes, night vision, reduce pain.
love, success, trust, health, understanding interrelationships.
Reverses aging, poor appetite, tissue regeneration.
your spell and describe it in detail. Send it in to me at
sallyjf@verizon.net Did you get to cast any of your spells this
week? If so, describe your experience.