She is a shape-shifter who take the forms of a young female athlete, stag, doe, hunting dog, or female bear. She rides a chariot across the night sly pulled by two white/silver horses that are the moon we see at night. The moon is Artemis’s spinning wheel upon which she spins the fate of humans. She is, also, associated with natural springs.
Do this on a waxing moon on Tuesday, or Saturday. You will need a red candle for courage and a white for Artemis. The stone you need is quartz crystal, diamond, or bloodstone. Use rosemary or dragon’s blood as your herb. If you have a picture of Artemis or any of her symbols for your alter, this helps you focus on her.
Artemis Lady of the Night,
Hear my plight.
Give your daughter of the moon,
Courage as bright as noon.
Let me delight,
In your moon’s Light.
As I rejoice in your many,
Blessings this Night!
As I will it so shall it be,
Let no harm come to thee.
author: Freya Dawn Child
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