A Creation Story And How NuGua Patched the Sky
It is said that Nugua fashioned the
first humans from clay from the Yellow River. She molded the first ones
from the yellow clay in her own likeness, except gave them legs,
instead of a tail. They were very beautiful creatures. This was taking
a very long time and she wanted more people to populate the world of
Qui. Some say she used a rope ,others a vine, I saw her fingers
growing, to dip into the yellow mud. She slung this goo around and it
was flung across the world that then was. These tedious lumps begin to
transform into peoples .The first ones she created became the rulers
and the nobility. The Latter ones became the servants ,the farmers ,and
the artisans. This seems to be the root of what became the caste system
Another little myth tells of how
she restored balance to the world .It seems that the god of fire and
the god of water got into a huge fight ,one fine day .Well ,the god of
fire won. The god of water was so angry that he beat his head against a
mountain .It collapsed one of the pillars holding up the sky. Half of
the sky fell in leaving a huge ,black hole in the heavens .The earth
cracked open ,the forests went up in flames ,and flood waters sprouted
from beneath the earth .Terrible dragons .snakes and fierce creatures
came forth into the land of QI. Many people drowned and many more were
devoured. This was an unorecendented devastation. Nugua went to the
Yellow River banks and picked up 5 to 7 brightly colored stone .She
melted them down and used them to fill up the hole in the sky. This was
the first rainbow .She then gathered a huge number of reeds and burned
them .She used the ashes to make a dam to stop the flood waters. Next
,she captured and killed a black dragon .This frightened all the others
beasts and they fled the land .She killed a huge turtle and cut off its
legs. These became the 4 direction pillars of the compass.
Original Nugua Ritual

My rituals are very basic and
simple. I am using a bowl of cooked beans and rice ,some smudge made
from all my crushed and ground flowers, an offering of the seeds in my
yard. A Lapis colored candle in a circle of colored glass and stones.
There is a bowl with frogs on it, that I have placed holy water from a
bowl shaped pool at the bottom of a gorge. The dragon there is blue and
has 3 heads.
I begin gather my seeds in a basket
walking around the sanctuary ,making circles .Along the way ,I stop and
drop a coin I have blessed into my wishing well. I speak to the nagas
tree there .I stop again by my pond and feed the many colorful fish in
the pond .I stand there and gaze deeply into the pool. The fish come
and eat from my hand .Another few steps carry me into my labyrinth .I
bury some of the seeds along the serpents back. I stop and stroke the
standing stones ,ridges of the dragons back. Next ,I visit the
medicine wheel with it herbs and crystals ,and the stones from my
mothers old home place. Sighs. We pluck some nettle, rosemary, sage,
echinacea and crush it in our hands.We inhale deeply of the essential
oils. Breathing .We next cross the path that is not a path into the
bamboo stand. Here we reach into our basket and begin to prepare the
sacred space.I make a small circle of brightly colored baja beads,I
scatter some of the seed onto the ground .There is a stone in the
centre large enough for a sit.I am sitting here in the mists ,so it
happens ,it is a misty day .........blessedly.
The mists are getting thicker. I have set the 2 bowls on the ground
.The one is filled with the cooked rice and beans, I will leave this as
an offering .[Never leave uncooked rice where an animal can get it
.] I am just sprinkling with the holy water .I am using this
sparingly ,since it is hard to come by .Smiles. Far away and a long
trek, lots of climbing.I light the dark blue lapis candle for a little
while .I just sit and am carried away .I put a cast iron pan with a
charcoal burning and sprinkle my fae flower powder upon it .I remember
my ancestors. I feel as if I am at the centre of creation. My way is
not so much with words ,but ,by becoming what it is that I touch ,when
I do ritual .It is a type of language ,but ,very old and forgotten .I
am brought back when it begins to rain .I cant think of a better way to
end this ritual on this day to this goddess. And the wind blows.