Triple Goddess: Maiden, Mother and Crone

Week 3

by Morgana



Part A – The Crone


The Crone is of the most misunderstood aspects the Goddess has. Some religions have depicted the Crone as the old, ugly, scary witch instead of the powerful wise woman. I think we live in a society where women fight to stay young, go through surgery to avoid showing their ages, and put more value on the physical than on the spiritual. For me, the older I am, the wiser I am and I do not lie about my age or feel fear of what is going to happen when I grow old and I am not young anymore.


What words come to your mind when you think about the Crone? Are there any Crone Goddesses that you are connected to? How do you feel about the Crone energies.


Write a paragraph about the Crone and how you connect with her energies.



Part B – Crone Magick


The Crone is associated with endings, transformations, letting go of those things that don’t serve us anymore so we can be reborn again. Like the saying says “when one door closes, another one opens” but we need to close the door first.


During this week, look for information about the Crone, her correspondences (such as crystals, candle colors, oils, herbs, among others), and create a spell connected to the Crone energy.



Part C – Crone Meditation


Find a picture of a Crone aspect of the Goddess you feel attracted to, sit comfortably in an area where you will not be disturbed, and dedicate a few minutes to look at the picture. What do you see? Are there any aspects of the Goddess that call your attention? Is her picture telling you something? Take some deep long breaths and close your eyes, relax, and see yourself walking down a spiraling staircase,  spiraling down to the center. At the end of the staircase, you find a door. You open it and there you find a Crone stirring her cauldron. The cauldron is bubbling. The Crone invites you in and asks you to get near the cauldron. You can feel the power of transformation. She asks you to think of those things that you want to transform, things that don’t serve you anymore. She asks you to drop all those things into the cauldron. As you do that, you see how they dissolve and transform. She also gives you a black velvet bag. Inside the bag there is a present for you. This present is a message from the Goddess for your new beginning. You thank her for the present. Then, you say good bye and walk through the door and start your way up the spiraling staircase. When you are ready, you open your eyes.


Write a paragraph about your experience.



Part D – Crone Myth


During this week, find a Crone Myth and write a paragraph about it. You could write about a myth you know from your childhood or try to find a new myth that makes sense for you and has meaning.


Part E – Crone Ritual


You have learned a lot about the Crone during this week and now it is time to write a ritual for her. Make sure to include some of the correspondences that we study in part B as well as any other information you may want to include.


Have a wonderful week, blessed one!!

Please send your lessons to me at: