Goddess Among Us

Nancy Olds

By Rhianna

Favorite Color: Orange

Favorite Scent: Vanilla

Favorite Flower: Daisy

Favorite Food: Steak

Favorite Beverage: Diet Mt. Dew

Favorite Memory: Bringing kids home from hospital

Best Personality Trait: Truthfulness

Most Proud Of: Getting college degree

Nancy was the first girl but the third child of six. She was born June 8, 1951 and grew up in a traditional 1950’s household. Her father worked to provide for his family and her mother provided a warm home. She’s always been very persuasive. As a child, she would spend her allowance on candy, eat it all and then convince her brothers and sisters to share their candy with her too.

Nancy (with her mother June in 2002)

She met David when she was a sophomore in high school. He was a little older and worked with one of her brothers. He joked around with her one night on the phone and she liked the way he talked so they went out. He went into the army during her junior year and in 1969 he got called to go to Vietnam so six days after her high school graduation, Nancy married David and he went off to war.

He came home the following summer and they lived together for the first time in their married lives. They had some issues to work out due to their separation and his memories from the war. Soon they decided to start their family. Nancy chose to be with her children through their formative years. It was a sacrifice, raising three children on one income. There were times that they did without but they had the most important thing, love.

Rhianna, Author Sue Grafton , and Nancy

Nancy went back into the workforce when her youngest child was in school. Soon, she decided to go back to school herself and started taking computer courses through a local vocational school at night. From there, she went on to the community college. While raising three children, taking care of a husband and house and working full time, she managed to earn her degree in accounting.

Nancy has now been married for 35 years to her sweetheart and has three children and two grandchildren. She works at a job that she loves and stays busy with her interests and her family.

Nancy is truly a remarkable woman. She has worked hard all her life and proven that it’s never too late to head back to school. She is a wonderful example of believing in your dreams and making them happen.

I'm proud to say that I am Nancy's daughter and that I couldn't have asked for a better mother. Not only is she my mother, she's also my friend. I'm truly blessed.

Rhianna, Priestess, Sisters of the Burning Branch, Order of the White Moon
Nancy Olds

Copyright 2004

This is the intellectual and creative property of Rhianna.