Sisters of the Burning Branch Goddess Gallery Presents...

Hekate: Queen of Night

by Rowena Cerridwen LaFae

“Hekate is a Goddess of great antiquity.  She is primordial, powerful and sometimes animalistic – and yet also sophisticated, modern and capable of adapting to different cultures.  She is the Torchbearer, the Cosmic World Soul, the Guide and Companion. She is Mistress of the Restless Dead, who rules over the Heavens, Earth and Sea.  She is the Keybearer who stands at the crossroads of life, death and initiation.  Her devotees today, as throughout the ages, include philosophers, poets, sorcerers, theurgists, witches, root-cutters, enchantresses and ordinary people. ”
[Sorita d'Este in her essay "The Hekate Chronicles" published in Hekate Her Sacred Fires, 2010]

Hekate, an ancient Goddess that has been linked to many cultures, is seen as the Queen of Night. She is a Triple Goddess as well as guardian of the Crossroads, which were sacred to Her for being able to look three ways at one time. Followers of Hekate would leave Her offerings at crossroads late at night when the moon was full, and would walk away without turning back for fear of coming face to face with Her. Along with crossroads, She has long been associated with doorways, city walls, boarders, and by extension, the realms beyond the Land of the Living. Hekate travels through the veil to the Spirit world in many stories and myths and can be seen as a Goddess of transition. 

Triple Goddess:
Contrary to popular belief, Hekate was originally seen as the Maiden Goddess in Amazonian Tribes. Amazon women would use Henna to paint their hands and feet in honor of the Maiden Hekate, with the henna representing their blood cycles. As Maiden, she is almost always seen carrying two torches. Within the Egyptian pantheon, She is the Mother Goddess Heket, and is the sacred Mid-wife aiding in childbirth and protector of mothers and children. It wasn't until later, that she was seen as the Three-Phased Moon and we came to know her as Crone, and see her as the three bodied Goddess standing together, back to back. There are many cultures in which she is part of a Triad: In Greece, She was connected to Persephone and Demeter. In Rome she was linked with Diana and Prosperina. In the Lunar Trinity She was the waning crescent moon seen with Artemis and Selene. 

Sacred to Her:

While all animals are sacred to Hekate, She is mostly seen with a pack of dogs. Her messengers are Owls, Ravens, and Crows. Herbs that are sacred to Her include: Aconite(Wolfsbane), Belladonna, Garlic, Mandrake, Lavender, Patchouli, Hemlock, Dandelion, Myrrh, Sandalwood, and Cypress. When working with some of these herbs, it is best to use caution for a few are toxic. Willow is a tree that is most sacred to Hekate, and can be used as a powerful wand. She has four sacred symbols that Witches use in magickal rites:

The Torch: As a symbol of lighting your path, the torch also symbolizes the removal of shadows of doubt and fear from our lives. It diminishes the unknown and allows us free will of all before us.

The Key: She is able to unlock the secrets and mysteries of Life, Death, and Rebirth, as well as unlocking the knowledge of magick. 

The Rope: Also seen as a cord in rituals, the rope symbolizes the umbilical cord of rebirth. When life becomes stagnant, we are given the chance for rebirth and new life through Her.

The Athame: By cutting away delusion, the athame is a symbol of power and is used to direct energy. It is our empowerment. 

The Rite of Her Sacred Fires

Below is a Ritual that is performed internationally every year on the Full Moon in May. Many people that worship Hekate meet in groups or solitary to perform this sacred rite to Her. This past year was my first time performing it, and I plan to each and every year. This Ritual is used here with permission from the Covenant of Hekate.


Find a quiet place where you will be able to perform the rite undisturbed. You will need a candle (or another form of devotional fire, such as a lamp or hearth fire) and something with which to light it.  You may wish to consecrate the candle, or other materials you will be using in keeping with your usual tradition of working, otherwise please simply ensure that it is clean.



Make yourself comfortable, breathe deeply and find your point of balance, a balance of mind and soul and body, which will present you proud and beautiful to the world.  Breathe deeply and find your voice, the voice with which you will speak words of true and pure intent.  Breathe deeply and call upon the freedom within your heart so that you will be able to express yourself with purity of intent and with strength of desire.

Place both your hands on your heart (three heartbeats), your forefinger and middle finger of your dominant hand to your lips (three heartbeats), and then to your brow (three heartbeats).  Now enclose your thumbs within both your hands (in fists) and raise both your arms to the heavens.

Open your hands and with palm upwards in your left hand, bring your right arm to your side palm facing downwards and invoke the Goddess.



I invoke thee, Great Mistress of the Heaven, Earth and Sea,

By your mysteries of Night and Day,

By the Light of the Moon and the Shadow of the Sun

I invoke thee, Mistress of life, death and rebirth

Emerge now from the shadow realm to feed my soul and enlighten my mind,

Triple-formed Mistress of the three ways

I entreat thee, Key-bearing Mistress of the Nightwandering Souls

To bring forth your wisdom from amongst the stars

To bring down your starfire from the darkness between,

Creatrix of Light!

Goddess of the Shadow Realms! Light-bearing queen!

Whisper now your secrets!

Fire-bringer! Earthly-one! Queen of Heaven!


[Raise both hands with palms facing upwards to the heavens (three heartbeats) and then touch the ground palms downwards]

[Sit before the candle and prepare to light it]

[Take three deep breaths and allow your senses to awaken]


Hekate, companion and guide to the mysteries

I light this sacred fire in your honour,  [light fire]

Its light uniting the stars and stones, the heavens and the earth,

With this fire I express my desire for a greater understanding of your mysteries

Askei Kataskei Erōn Oreōn Iōr Mega Samnyēr Baui (3 times) Phobantia Semnē,

Great Hekate, who spins the web of the stars and governs the spiral of life

Guide me through towards pathways of understanding,

From Crossroad to Crossroad,

The Torchbearers and the Keybearers of your mysteries,

will always find one another,

 Now sit and watch the flame flicker and dance, allow yourself to focus on the different colours in the flame, the yellows and reds, the blues and whites, and the black.  If you wish you may decide to spend some time meditating on the flame, skrying for visions or omens.  Likewise, you may wish to extinguish it and keep the candle – let your true self radiate brightly its beautiful mysteries from this day on forth, the flame of the fires of Hekate burns on in your heart!

I banish now the shadows of doubt from my mind,

Infused by the silence and warmth of our union

I feel your golden radiance within my heart

And the glory of knowledge on my brow,

I am a student of your mysteries.


Extinguish the flame, then place both your hands on your heart (three heartbeats), your forefinger and middle finger of your dominant hand to your lips (three heartbeats), and then to your brow (three heartbeats).

Open your palms reaching towards the heaven, then reach down and touch the Earth.


This page is the intellectual and creative property of
Rowena Cerridwen LaFae

January 2013