Sisters of the Burning Branch Goddess Gallery Presents...
Lilith As Human:
Some of you may be familiar with the recent debate
about Mary Magdalene and her relationship with Jesus which resurfaced
with the release of the movie The Davinci Code produced from the book.
Although the book had been around for quite some time prior to t he
movie, the making of the movie brought it to the attention of those who
were not familiar with the book (movies tend to expose people to more
information these days then books even). It was an awareness that was
brought to light that not only the possibility existed, but most likely
the Bi
ble was not a book that is complete. Mary Magdalene is not the only
woman whose story is left untold within the books of the Bible, there
are many others. One being Lilith.
Two texts excluded from the Bible, tell her story
in detail. The first called the Zohar also known as the Book of
Splender is assumed to have been written in the 13th century. The other
is called the Alphabet of Ben
According to these texts, Lilith was the first wife
of Adam. It is written that Adam and Lilith were created from the same
dust at the same time- separate but equal. Adam apparently did not wish
for it to be as so, and he commanded Lilith- "lay beneath me woman" and
demanded she become subservient and submissive. Lilith refused,
insisting on equality with her mate and that intercourse be side by
side and in some accounts Lilith wanted to be on top of Adam.
When Adam tried to force himself onto Lilith she
said out loud the true name of God, the Divine name that was not to be
spoken. When she spoke this name she became empowered, grew wings and
flew away t o a cave near the Red Sea.
Three angels- Semangelaf, Sanvi, and Sansanvi were
sent to convince Lilith to return to Eden. They brought a message to
Lilith from God saying "if she agrees to come back then it is good. If
not she must permit one hundred ofher children to die everyday."
Lilith refused to return in spite of the threat.
Lilith now being gone, God then presents Adam with
another wife. Put into a deep sleep God then removes one of Adams ribs
and creates Eve. Eve being created from Adam, he now has power and
control over Eve and she submits to him.
Lilith, now in defiance and angered to prove that
Eve was not all she was made to be and that she too was capable of
defiance disguised herself as a serpent. As we see in the Book of
Genesis in the Bible, Lilith present Eve with the fruit of the tree of
wisdom which was forbidden to be eaten. Eve eats of the fruit, and also
offers it to Adam who too eats of the forbidden fruit.
The Temptation by Michelangelo

With the rise of Christianity, there began the
original story of Lilith through ancient writings being hidden away and
from twisted tales sprang the fear of the woman who had become known as
the one who had defied the God that the Christians revered. As time turned he stories turned darker and Lilith became
more hideous and frightful. As a being she who was in non- compliance
with Gods law she could not be acknowledged by godly people by anything
but a demoness. With infant mortality rates being what they were due to
harsh living conditions that plagued the days of old Lilith was seen as
vengeful ans that she in have been be cursed to loose her own children
and set out to punish godly people by taking their own children. The
human imagination especially in ancient times searched for answers to
things of which was difficult to accept or could not be explained. It
was in fear that gave birth to notions of the darker Lilith because to
godly people, clearly it could not be Gods will for the loss of their
children, therefore since Lilith had gone against Gods will surely she
must be to blame.

Filippino Lippi
If there is any doubt that the story of Lilith be
not told within the Bible, one only has to look closely at t
he Book of Genesis to see the gap within the story. In Genesis 1:27 it
says "God created man in his own image- male and female he created
them". It is here that we can assume that Adam and Lilith were created
at the same time in the same fashion. A few pages later it states in
Genesis 2:21-22 "God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep and while
he was sleeping he took one of the mans ribs. Then the Lord God created
a woman". These two passages contradict each other and one can clearly
see there is a piece of the story missing.
Why were these writings not included in the Bible?
What made religious figures so uncomfortable with
Lilith was her association with seduction. In becoming the serpent that
tempted Eve she is the temptress. In not submitting to lay beneath Adam
and insisting on sex side by side or Lilith on top it portrays her
comfort with her sexuality. This was perceived as ungodly sexual
pleasure. Authoritive male religious figures of those days were also
threatened that Lilith stood for equality amongst men and women. There
was no equality in these times of patriarchy which would explain the
omitance of these writings.
Lilith as Goddess:
The following is a translation of
the ancient Sumerian legend of Lilith as Goddess (called Lilitu in
Sumerian). Lilith is an agricultural/fertility goddess, her myth is
found in over 100 different religions and has numerous variations on
her name (Lilit, Lolita, Lilitu, Lilith).
Before the stars were born
Before people built great cities
The great mountain Atlen shook
And bled fiery blood
As it gave birth to Lilitu
The land all around burned
Many animals and people died
When Lilitu opened her eyes
Lilitu saw the ashes of her birth
And wept tears like rain
Lilitu's tears became rivers and streams
Flowers grew where Lilitu walked
Trees grew where Lilitu sat
The ashes became fertile soil
And an orchard became Lilitu's home
In Lilitu's orchard many animals are
People came to live in paradise
Lilitu gave them grain and taught them to harvest
Lilitu made bread and beer
The people rejoiced, ate and drank
One day a great prince came to the land of Atlen
He spied Lilitu and wooed her
But Lilitu spurned and rejected him
The great prince became very angry
He spied two lions and killed them both
Lilitu wept for the lions
She cradl ed their heads in her arms
The lions awoke to her tears
The lions licked away her tears and became strong
They became Lilitu's loyal friends
The grea
t prince saw this
And again he wooed Lilitu
But Lilitu became a bird
She flew away from him
Angry, the prince began hunting birds
Lilitu saw this and was upset
To spite the prince she spat at him
And mated with a serpent
Lilitu gave birth very quickly
Her child was like no oth er
The child had six arms
The child had a serpent's tail
The child was very strong
Lilitu called the child a marilitu
The Marilitu attacked the great prince
The great prince and the marilitu fought
The fought day and night
For night after night
And day after day
But neither could win the fight
Lilitu saw this and mated again
Another marilitu was born
And another and another
Two hundred and sixteen were born
In fear the great prince ran away
The people of the orchard rejoiced
The marilitu's farmed the land
The marilitu's protected the people
But the great prince swore vengeance
He cursed the mountain Atlen and its land
Atlen became angry at this curse
The mountain and the land shook
Atlen shook and bled and cried
Its fiery blood made fires
And its tears made floods
Afraid Lilitu turned into a great bird
She grasped people in her feet
She carried animals on her back
The marilitu's and the lionscarried people too
Together they fled the land of Atlen
Lilitu went west and east
Lilitu went north and south
Finally she came to dry land
The p
eople thanked Lilitu greatly
The people built statues in her honour
Lilitu wept for her lost home
Her tears formed two rivers
The rivers joined together
They flowed into the ocean
The people grew grain by the river
The people grew great orchards
They built buildings and towers of stone
The people grew healthy and the land rich
Merchants from far places travelled there
News of the wealth of the land grew
The great prince heard of the land
He sent his heralds to inquire of its lady
But Lilitu fed his heralds to her lions
The great prince sent an army
But the marilitu's destroyed his army
Finally the great prince went
When he saw the beautiful orchards
When he saw the six-armed marilitus
The great prince knew the lady was Lilitu
In fear he disguised himself as a woman
The great prince went to Lilitu's temple
His disguise fooled the people
But the lions knew his scent
The two lions warned Lilitu
So Lilitu prepared a trap
Lilitu summoned thirty-six young men
She filled a hall with thirty-six silver platters
She ordered thirty-six beasts slaughtered
At last she was ready
She invited the people to the feast
People came from all over the land
The great prince came too
The great prince arrivedin disguise
But Lilitu knew him eagerly
She welcomed him as an honoured guest
The great prince accepted her hospitality
He sat before all the people
The thirty-six young men were brought forth
"Please choose a man," Lilitu commanded
Not wanting to be rude the great prince chose one
Lilitu bade the great prince to sit beside the young man
The silver platters were brought forth
The people feasted on the meat of thirty-six beasts
Great gifts wer e brough forth
Lilitu gave the gifts to the great prince
Confused the great prince accepted
Then the feast was finally over
Curious, the great prince questioned Lilitu
"Do you always give such grand gifts to strangers?"
"Only when someone is married," Lilitu answered
Realizing what had happened the great prince became angry
He ripped off his disguise
He drew his sword and his dagger
"Why have you made me marry this man?" he demanded
"Because you can never marry me," Lilitu answered
Enraged the great prince attacked Lilitu
The two fought endlessly for Lilitu was very strong
Whenever the prince would get too bold
Lilitu would change into a bird
The great prince fell to the ground and wept in despair
The great prince professed his love
He promised that he would never quit
He prepared to cut his own throat
Finally Lilitu grew tired of this game
She felt pity for the great prince
"I will grant you one kiss," Lilitu declared
Desperate the great prince accepted
The moment the great prince's kiss had been dealt
His body flooded with life and then death
So great was the pleasure of=2
0one kiss that he died
Lilitu wept for the great prince
But the great prince remained dead
Saddened Lilitu knew she could never love
No mortal man could taste her kiss and live
Her tears brought life, but her kiss brought death
Atlen means "paradise", so the words "Atlen mountain" roughly translates as "mountain paradise".
The fiery blood is obviously lava from a volcano, Atlen was evidently volcanic.
or Eten is the Egyptian word for "paradise". It is also the same word
used to describe "Eden" and also "Atlantis". The Lilith myth seems to
be a combination of both myths, likely before it split into separate
Fact: Ashes make good soil for planting.
In Buddhism, lotus flowers grew wherever Buddha walked.
Its important to note that Lilith doesn't seduce the prince. He merely falls in love with her beauty and pursues her.
The two lions are frequently found flanking Lilith in sculptures.
Sumeria (where modern Iraq is now) is the first location that domesticated grain was grown, and also the invention of beer and bread.
Lilith's Statement:
Lilith boldly instructs us to stand up for what we believe in, unbridled and courageous no matter what the cost.
Her Mantra:
I forgive
I welcome forgiveness
I am free from judgement
I deserve to be free from g uilt
I am creating the life I love
I am tolerate of unenlightened people
My vital energy resurfaces naturally
I am honest and truthful in all I say and do
Gemstones associated with Lilith:
Amber, tigers eye, garnet, bloodstone, tourmaline, smokey quartz
Her Symbols:
Crossroads, owl, serpent and the dark moon
She is associated with:
wind, storms and the astrological sign of Scorpio
Her card in the Goddess Oracle by Amy Sophia Marashinsky tells us:
I dance my life for myself
I am whole
I am complete
I say what I mean
and I mean what I say
I dance the dark and the light
the conscious and the unconscious
the sane and the insane
and I speak from myself
with total conviction
without regard for how I might look
All the parts of myself
flow into the whole
all my divergent selves unite as one
I listen
to what needs to be heard
I never make excuses
I feel my feelings
deeply an d profoundly
I never hide
I live my sexuality
to please myself
and pleasure others
I express it as it needs to be expressed
from the core of myself
from the wholeness of my dance
I am female
I am sexual
I am power
I was greatly fearedMeaning of the Card:
appears to tell you to take back your power. Where are the places you
have lost or given away your power? What beliefs do you hold that deny
yo ur power? Have you been told that powerful women never find mates?
Or that women can’t have power because that would make them unfeminine?
Have you been teased, shunned, ostracized by others when you’ve stepped
into your power? Are you afraid of misusing your power to dominate or
manipulate? Lilith says that the way to wholeness for you now lies in
acknowledging that you’re not connecting with your power, then second
coming to terms with and accepting your power.
To call on Lilith
Take a gemstone of your choice from those listed associated with her.
Reflect on her statement as written above.
While holding it in your hand- repeat the affirmations associated with her and invite Lilith into your life.
Carry the stone with you and infuse your life with your feminine power and abilities!!
One thing I would like to add here
that I have not yet come across in all my research of Lilith is an
association that I see of Lilith myself. I see her as the protector
of any woman who has been in or is in an abusive relationship, or has
been dominated by a partner. She is a symbol of our free-will and we
can call on her for assistance when we can no longer find our strength
on our own. With Lilith we grow our wings and find our freedom and
our strength to be independent and free from fear.
I would also like to share one of my favorite songs and a video dedicated to Lilith
The Heart of Lilith by Inkubus Sukkubus.
Credit to sources:
Banned from the Bible as shown on the History Channel
Goddess Oracle by Amy Sophia Marashinsky
is the intellectual and creative property of Willow Rayne.
September 09