Moon Goddess

By Dragon
The Moon has always held a special place in my
soul. She is one of the most powerful forces in our lives. And some people
never even notice She is there.
Her magick is powerful. She effects our moods
and controls the tides. She can influence the growth of crops(planting by the
moon is one example) and the power of spells.
She has been blamed for madness. The word
"lunatic" comes from the root Luna. If you've ever talked to someone who works
in a hospital or a police officer, you will soon hear stories about the moon
influencing human behavior. The Moon has been worshipped since time before
time. People have prayed to Her, danced in Her silver light, and used her power
to charge and to bless. Her light is a very powerful force.
She is also used to lend power to magickal
workings. Using the correct phase of the moon will make a spell much more
powerful. Waxing for things you wish to increase - wealth, creativity,
fertility, - full moon for great strength, stability, steady energy -Waning for
things you wish to decrease or banish, a bad habit, or to end a
And of course, the dark moon....a time for
meditation and rest.
She is used in divination, even by people who don't
"believe" in magick. A ring around the moon means snow is on the way - is just
one example.
Moon Water
Moon water is simply water that has been cleansed,
charged, and blessed by the light of the moon. It is very powerful and has many
uses. It may be used in healing teas, to cleanse tools and objects for your
alter, or to bless a child in a naming ceremony.
It's very simple to make your own Moon
water (rain water is best but tap water will work
just fine)
kettle to boil it in
a bottle or container with a stopper
a funnel
Gather your water and boil it for a few minutes.
This is an important step if you will be storing the water for any length of
time as it inhibits the growth of bacteria and makes the water safe for
consumption. let the water cool so that it doesn't break your
Using the funnel - pour you water into your
container. Take the bottle outside and put it where it won't be disturbed, but
will be in the moonlight overnight. I prefer to use the full moon. But use
whatever phase feels best to you. If you can't set the container outside for
some reason (due to freezing for example) just set it on a windowsill where the
moons light is shining in.
If you are part of a coven or group and want to
make Moon water together, have everyone bring a small amount of water and mix it
together before boiling. Proceed as above. This is a very powerful coven/group
you could chant over the pot as you are boiling or
as you are placing the container in the Moon light.
" Mother Moon, Mother Moon.....Bless this water
with your light...."
This is my cat
Luna, after sticking her face in a bag of flour! Copyright
This page is the intellectual
and creative property of Dragon