Choosing A Craft Name

Many people choose to create a craft name for themselves to use for many different purposes. You might wish to have a name to use when doing rituals and address the God/dess with your craft name. Perhaps you just need an on-line or pen name. Or you may want to use it to just feel empowered.  For whatever reason I've written up a list of different names you might wish to peruse.  Choosing a name can just be a matter of picking one or more words that are significant to you and putting them together as a name. I suggest that you meditate and a name will just come to you.  Either way, it is up to you! Enjoy!

* Goddesses

* Gods

* Ancestral Names

* Astrological Signs

* Totems

* Moons Phases

* Runes

* Tarot

* Crystals and Stones

* Colors

* Trees, herbs and plants (Often the latin name is very appropriate!)

* Mystical creatures

* Animals

* Angels

* More Names and Their Meanings

Names and Meanings

Abas- Lizard
Abderus - Son of battle
Acarnan - Thistle
Acastus - Unstable
Acestes - Pleasing goat
Achaeus - Griever
Achates - Agate
Achelois - She who drives away pain
Actaeon - Shore-dweller
Actaeus - Of the shore
Actis - Beam of light
Actor - Leader
Admetus - Untamed
Adonis - Lord
Aedon- Nightingale
Aedos - Shame
Aeetes - Mighty or eagle
Aegle - Dazzling light
Aegleis - Bright
Aeolus - Earth destroyer
Aerope - Sky face
Aesacus - Myrtle branch
Aethiolas - Destroyed by fire
Aethra - Bright sky
Aganus - Gentle
Aglaia- Pageantry
Aglauros - Dewfall
Aglaus - Splendid
Agreus - Wild
Agriope - Savage face
Agrius - Wild
Ajax - Of the earth
Alalcomeneus- Guardian
Alcinous - Mighty mind
Alcon - Mighty
Alea - She who grinds
Alecto - Unnameable
Aletes - Wanderer
Alexander - He who wards off men
Alexirrhoe - Averting the flow
Alexiares - Warding off war
Alope - Sly as a vixen
Alopecus - Fox
Alpheia - Whitish
Alpheius - Whitish
Alphito - White goddess
Amaltheia - Tender
Amarynceus - Swift darting
Amazon - Moon woman
Amyclas - Very lustful
Anaetis - Of the planet Venus
Anax - King
Anaxibia - Queenly strength
Anaxo - Queen
Ancaeus - Of the glen
Anchiale - Close to the sea
Anchises - Living with Isis
Ancius - Of the dell
Androclea - Glory of men
Androgeneia - Mother of men
Androgeus - Man of the earth
Androgyne - Man-woman
Angitia - Snake-goddess
Antas - Flowery
Anthea - Flowery
Anthedon - Rejoicing in flowers
Antheis - Flowery
Antibia - Confronting strength
Antileon - Bold as a lion
Apheidas - Lavish
Aphidamas - Taming all around him
Aphidnus - Shrinking away until he bends backwards
Aphrodite - Foam-born
Apis - Long ago
Apollo - Destroyer or apple-man
Apsyrtus - Swept downstream
Arachne - Spider
Arcas - Bear
Archelaus - Ruler of the people
Arge - Brightness
Argeus - Bright
Argiope - Bright face
Argus - Bright
Aria - Oak tree
Ariadne - Most pure or high fruitful mother of the barley
Aridela - The very manifest one
Arion - Lofty native
Arisbe - She who travels best
Aristaeus - The best
Aristippe - Best of mares
Aristo - Good
Aristomenes - Best strength
Aremenus - Union
Arnacia - Sheepskin
Arnaea - Ewe
Arne - Ewe-lamb
Arrhippe - Best of mares
Arsinoe - Male-minded
Arsippe - She who raises the foot
Artemis - High source of water
Ascalaphus - Short-eared owl
Ascalus - Untilled
Ascanius - Tentless
Asclepius - Unceasingly gentle
Asius - Miry
Asopus - Never silent
Assaracus - Disdainful
Asterie - Of the starry sky or of the sun
Asterion - Of the sun
Asterius - Of the starry sky or of the sun
Asterodeia - Goddess of the sun
Asterope - Sun-face
Astrabacus - Sure-sighted remedy
Astraeus - Starry
Astyanax - King of the city
Astydameia - Tamer of cities
Astynome - Lawgiver of the city
Astyocha - Possessor of the city
Astypalaea - Ancient city
Athamas - Reaper on high
Athena - Queen of Heaven
Atreus - Fearless
Atropos - Inflexible
Atthis - Goddess of the rugged coast
Atymnius - Insatiate of heroic praise
Atys - Luckless
Auge - Radiance
Augeias - Bright ray
Autolycus - Very wolf
Autolyte - Stampede
Automedon - Independent ruler
Automedusa - Cunning itself
Autonoe - With a mind of her own
Auxo - Increase
Azan - Land of Zeus
Bacche- Raging
Balius- Piebald
Bateia- Of the bramble
Baton- Blackberry
Battus- Tongue-tied
Baubo- Soother
Baucis- Over-modest
Bellerophon- Bearing darts
Belus- Lord
Benthesicyme- Wave of the deep
Beroe- She who brings eggs
Bia - Force
Biadice- Justice by force
Bias- Force
Biton- Wild ox
Bocotus- Herdsman
Boreas- North Wind or Devouring
Bormus- Plaintive
Branchus- Hoarse
Breseus- He who prevails
Briareus- Strong
Brimo- Raging one
Brimus- Raging one
Briseis- She who prevails
Britomartis- Good maiden
Brizo- Charmer or Soother
Bromie- Roaring
Brontes- Thunder
Broteas- Gory
Budeia- Goddess of oxen
Bunomus- Ox-grazing
Bunus- Hill
Busiris- Grave of Osiris
Butes- Herdsman
Buzyge- Ox yoker
Cacus- Bad
Cadmus- From the east
Caeneus- New
Caenis- New
Calais- Of changing hue
Calchas- Brazen
Cale- Fair
Callidice- Fair justice
Callileon- Handsome lion
Calliope - Fair face
Callipolis- Fair city
Callirrhoe - Fair flowin
Callisto - Fairest
Calus- Fair
Calybe- Cabin
Calyce- Rosebud or Ear-ring
Calypso- Hidden or Hider
Cameira- Sharer out
Cameiro- Sharer out
Campe- Crooked
Canache- Barking
Candaon- Shining
Canethus- [Dedicated to] the Basket-goddess
Canthus- Pack ass
Capaneus- Charioteer
Caphaurus- Camphor
Capys- Gulper
Cardis- Cardian Zeus
Carmanor- Servant of the Moon-goddess Car
Carmenta- Car the wise
Carnus- Trumpet
Carpo- Withering
Carya- Nut tree
Caryatis - Of the nut
Cassandra- She who entangles men
Cassiopeia- Cassia-juice
Castor- Beaver
Catreus- Down-flowing
Caucon- Croaker
Cecrops- Face with a tail
Cedalion- He who takes charge of sailors
Celaeno- Swarthy
Celeus- Caller
Celmis- Smelting
Cenchrias- Spotted serpent
Centaurus- One hundred strong
Cephalus- Head
Cepheus- Gardener
Cephissus- River of Gardens
Cer- Fate or Doom
Cerambus- Horned beetle
Cerberus- Demon of the pit
Cercopes- Faces with tails
Cercyon- Boar's tail
Cercysera- Distaff wielder
Cerdo- Grain
Ceryx- Herald
Ceto - Sea monster
Ceuthonymus- Hidden name
Ceyx- Sea-mew
Chaerias- Welcomer
Chalciope- Brazen face
Chalcodon- Brazen path
Chalion- Thoughtless
Chaos- Yawining
Chariboea- Grace of cattle
Charis- Grace
Charities- Graces
Charon- Fierce brightness
Charybdis- Sucker down
Cheimarrhus- Torrent
Chiade- Snowflakes
Chimaera - Goat
Chione- Snowqueen
Chiron- Hand
Chlidanope- Delicate face
Chloris- Greenish
Choere- Sow
Chromia- Embellisher
Chrysaor- Golden Falchion
Chryse - Golden
Chryseis- Golden
Chrysippus- Golden horse
Chrysothemis- Golden order
Chthonia- Of the soil
Chylus- Juice of a plant
Cilix- An ox with crooked horns
Cilla- She-ass or Dice made from ass's bone
Cillus- Ass
Cinyras- Plaintive cry
Circe- Falcon
Circinus- The circular
Cisseis- Ivy woman
Cisseus- Of the ivy
Cissia- Ivy
Cleia- Famous
Cleisithyra- Locker of the door
Cleite- Renowned
Cleitonymus- Famous name
Cleitus- Renowned
Cleobis- Famous life
Cleobule- Famous counsel
Cleodaeus- Famous warrior
Cleodice- Famous justice
Cleomenes- Famous strength
Cleon- Famous
Cleopatra- Glory to her father
Cleothera- Noble beauty
Clete- Choosen or Invoked
Clio - Proclaimer
Clotho - Spinner
Clymene- Famous might
Clymenus- Famous might
Clytemnestra- Praiseworthy wooing
Clytia- Famous
Clytie- Famous
Clytius- Famous
Cocalus- Spiral shell
Coeus- Intelligent
Colocasia - Of the red water-lily
Comaetho - Bright-haired
Cometes- Long-haired
Connidas- Knowing man from Mt. Ida
Copreus- Dung man
Cordax - Of the rope dance
Core- Maiden
Corinthius- Club man
Corinthus- Club man
Coroebus- Feaster on ox chine
Coronea- Of the crows
Coronis - Crow or Raven
Coronus- Crow or Raven
Corunetes- Cudgel man
Corybantes- Crested dancers
Corythus- Helmeted]
Cottus- Son of Cotytto
Cotylaean - Hollow-of-the-hand
Cranae- Rocky
Cranaechme- Rocky point
Cranaus- Rocky
Cratus- Strength
Creon- Ruler
Cresphontes- Stronger slayer
Cressida- Golden
Cresus- Cretan
Crete- Strong or Ruling goddess
Creteus- Ruler
Cretheis- Ruler
Cretheus- Ruler
Creusa- Sovereign being
Cronus - Crow
Croton- Dog tick
Crotopus- Thumping foot
Crotus- Rhythmic beat
Cteatus- He who gains possession
Ctesippus- Possessor of horses
Curetes - Young men who have shaved their hair
Curissia- Dirge
Cyamites- Son of a bean
Cyathus- Wine-cup
Cybele- She of the hair or She with the axe
Cybosurus- Square bucket
Cychreus- Of the endive
Cyclopes- Wheel-eyed
Cycnus - Swan
Cydon- Glory
Cylarabes- With rattling chariot wheels
Cyllene- Crooked queen
Cyllenius- Devoted to the crooked queen
Cymatolege - End of waves
Cymo - Wave
Cymothoe - Running waves
Cyrene- Sovereign queen or mistress of the bridle
Cyrianassa- Queen of the chieftains
Cytisorus- Clover season
Cyzicus- Exalted
Dactyls - Fingers
Daedalus - Skillful
Damarmenus- Subduer of sails
Damasen- Subduer
Damnameneus- Compeller
Damysus- Conqueror
Danae- She who judges or Parched
Danaus- Judge or Son of Danae
Daphne - Laurel
Daphnis- Laurel
Daphoene- Bloody one
Daphoenissa- Bloody one
Dardanus- Burner up
Dascylus- Little pointer
Daunus- Sleeper
Deianeira- Stringer-together of spoil
Deidameia- Taker of spoil
Deileon- Spoil-taking lion
Deimachus- Battle spoil
Deimas- Fearful
Deimus- Fearful
Deino- Terrible
Deinus- Terrible
Deion- Spoiler
Deione- Queen of spoil
Deiphilus- Lover of spoil
Deiphobus- Scaring the spoiler
Deipyla- Hostile gates
Deliades- Son of Delian Apollo
Delphinus- Dolphin
Delphyne- Womb
Demeter - Barley-mother
Demonassa- Queen of the people
Demophon- Voice of the people
Dendrites- Tree youth
Dercynus- Sleeping with open eyes
Desmontes- Gaoler
Despoena- Mistress
Deucalion- New-wine sailor
Dexamenus- Entertainer
Dia- Of the sky
Dias- Bright
Dictynna - She of the fishing-nets
Dictys- Net
Didaeon- Experienced
Dido - Manly woman
Dike- Natural law or Justice
Diocles- Glory of Zeus
Diodorus- Gift of Zeus
Diomedes- God-like cunning
Dione- Divine queen
Dionysus- Lame god
Dioscuri - Sons of Zeus
Dirce- Cleft or Double
Dolon- Ensnarer
Dolophion- Cunning native snake
Dorippe- Gift mare
Doris - Bountiful
Dorus- Gift
Dryads- Oak nymphs
Dryope- Woodpecker
Dryops- Oak face
Dymas- Powerful
Dynamene - Capable
Dysaules- Of the unlucky house
Dysponteus- Rough sea
Echedemus- He who holds the people
Echemus- Taciturn
Echenus- Rein holder
Echephron- Possessed of intelligence
Echetus- Man of substance
Echidne- She-viper
Echion- Viper
Echo- Echo
Eetion- Terrible native
Egeria- Of the black poplar
Eidothea- Divine shape
Eidyia- Knowledgable
Eileithyia - She who comes to the aid of women in childbed
Eione - Strand
Eioneus- With high banks
Elais- Of the olive
Elaphios - Hindlike
Epigoni - Posthumous
Epimetheus - Afterthought
Epitragia - Turned into a he-goat
Epitymbria - Of the tombs
Erato - Lovely
Erinyes - Spirits of vengeance
Eris - Strife
Eros - Desire
Erycina - Of the heather
Euagora - Good assembler
Eucrante - Success
Eudora - Good giver
Eulimene - Good haven
Eunice - Victory
Euphrosyne - Happiness
Eupompe - Good voyage
Eurynome - Far-ruling
Euterpe - Delight
Gaia - Earth
Galatea - She who is milk white
Galaxaura - Calming the breeze
Galene - Calm
Glauce - Gray
Glauconome - Mastering the gray sea
Glaukopis - Owl-eyed
Gorgopis - Gorgon-faced
Hades - Unseen
Halia - Salty
Halimede - Salty
Hecatoncheires - The hundred-handed
Herakles - Glory of Hera
Hipponoe - Temper of horses
Hippothoe - Running horses
Hyacinthropos - Nurse of Hyacinthus
Idyia - Knowing
Iodama - Heifer calf of Io
Itone - Of the willow
Itonus - Willow-man
Kratos - Strength
Kymodoce - Ready for waves
Lachesis - Allotter
Laomedea - Leader of the people
Laphria - Despoiler
Leagora - Assembler of the people
Lygodesma - Bound with willows
Lysianassa - Royal deliverer
Maenads - Raving ones
Melaenis - Black
Melisseus - Honey-man
Melite - Honey-sweet
Melobosis - Fruit-growing
Melpomene - Choir
Menestho - Steadfast
Menippe - Strength of horses
Metis - Wisdom
Minotaur - Bull of Minos
Moera - Phase
Narcaea - Benumbing
Nemertes - Unerring
Nesaea - Island
Neso - Island
Nike - Victory
Ocyrhoe - Fast stream
Oedipus - Swollen foot
Oeno - Wine maiden
Omphalion - Little navel
Orthia - Upright
Pallas - Maiden
Panacea - All-healer
Pandora - All gifts
Panopea - Panorama
Panoptes - All eyes
Pasithoe - All-fast
Peitho - Persuasion
Penelope - Duck
Persephone - she who destroys the light
Petraea - Rocky
Pherusa - Carry
Plexaura - Goading the breeze
Ploto - Sailing
Pluto - Wealth
Plutus - Wealth
Polias - Of the city
Polydora - Generous giver
Polyhymnia - Many songs
Polynoe - Richness of mind
Pontoporea - Crossing the sea
Prometheus - Forethought
Pronoe - Forethought
Proto - First
Protomedea - First in leadership
Psamathe - Sand maiden
Rhea - Earth
Sao - Safety
Schoenis - Of the rush-basket
Sciras - Of the parasol
Scotia - Of darkness
Smintheus - Mousy
Spartoi - The sown ones
Speo - Cave
Tauropole - Bull-killer
Telesto - Success
Terpsichore - Delight of dancing
Thalia - Festivity
Themis - Law
Themisto - Law
Thoantea - Of Thoas
Thoe - Speed
Tridaria - Threefold assigner of lots
Tritone - The third queen
Trivia - Of the three ways
Tyche - Luck
Urania - Queen of the mountains
Zelos - Zeal
